The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

Van Duy Dao


Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and quantity of connection to the living environment. People speak their native language naturally without much thinking, but autistic cannot speak well, when they have wants or needs, they cannot express it in an understandable way to the adults so that they cannot get satisfied. Not satisfying the needs make them anger or stress. In the stress state, there are mainly three hormones operate in the body to make the body prepare for fight or flight. These three hormones are Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisone. These hormones will activate many other changing in the body and other hormones so that the body is ready for survival functions. Kids in stress tend to make other stress unconsciously in the downtrend spirals of stress. The more stress kids get, the poorer their learning and the more they will get a low level of social skills. The unsatisfied living environment may make autistic have strange behaviors can be explained by the conditioned response. They have strange responses to normal things, events. And these responses can be summarized into “Fight” or “Flight” or “Indifference”; these responses tell us about the state of mind of the autistic kids. And the pattern of responses, the fluctuation of specific responses to the changing in the environment will give us clues about the cause of autism, ADHD and the prediction and the effective intervention of autism and ADHD.Figure-1: The effect of stress hormones: The best explanation for many syndromes, rainbows of problems and gut feelings. 

Key words:

Autism, body, compassion, depression, drive, early signs of stress, environment, heart, heart diseases, intelligence, Lao Tzu, lifelong learning, love, mind and spirit., stress season, suicide.


Van D. Đao. (September, 2017). AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral disorders, Depression,…                          

The review article:


The modified definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow [1]. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. If people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.The brain with obsessed desiresThe limbic system controls the emotion, short-term memory, and autonomic nervous system. The cerebral cortex forms the function of the mind as an executive, cognitive, thinking with logic and imagination, control kinesthetic, hearing, and visualization. The cerebral cortex stores long-term memory and conscious behaviors. Human beings have a potential brain with unlimited power. The problem is why we get severely stressed and be the victims of chronic stress in spite the fact that we are very smart and successful.Human beings have been evolving a lot from our ancestors; we not only have the need of survival but also we have many other needs; we not only obsessed with the need of survival but also we obsess with many other needs. Some groups of people have only basic needs; other groups of people have many needs. To some extent, the needs are expanding substantially in many groups of people with the advancement of living standard. The needs to push and motivate people to work harder, longer and more persistently. Owning for the needs, human beings have created many great advancements and developments for themselves and human kinds. On the one hand, people are the masters of the needs, they create many miracles with the noble deeds of noble need, the selfless needs. On the other hand, people may be the victims of the vicious needs, the selfish needs.Human needs explained by Abraham Maslow:Abraham Maslow had taken researchers about human’s needs and described the needs of human beings in “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” [1]:The first needs are physiological needs, to do with the maintenance of the human body. If we are unwell, then little else matters until we recover.The second needs are safety needs, about putting a roof over our heads and keeping us from harm.The third needs are social belonging needs, about satisfying our tribal nature. If we are helpful and kind to others, they will want us as friends.Fourth needs are esteem needs, for a higher position within a group. If people respect us, we have greater power.Fifth needs are self-actualization needs, to ‘become what we are capable of becoming’, which would our greatest achievement.Human needs explained by Tony Robbins [17]Recently, Tony Robbins has explained these needs of modern people in a much more understandable way. According to Tony Robbins, people have six basic needs:The first needs are needs of certainty – the need for safety, security, comfort, order, predictability, and control.The Second needs are needs of uncertainty or excitement. We need variety, surprise, challenges, excitement, difference, adventure, and change. People hate the boring things.The third needs are needs of connection and love. As the human being, we all need to connect with others, and we all need the love from others. The need come from communication, unified, approval, to feel connected with human beings, intimate and loved by members of the family and other human beings.Fourth needs are needs of significance. Every people like to be significant. People need to have meaning, special, pride, needed, wanted, sense of importance and worthy of love. They do all things to get and protect their significance. Most of the luxury products made to make people feel of significance.Fifth needs are needs of development. People need for constant emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. This need drives us to study more and do harder to make us develop.Sixth needs are needs of contribution, the need to give beyond ourselves, give, care, protect and serve others, to leave a legacy.What do these human needs mean?Most people have their own set of needs. With specific individuals, receiving rewards means that they receive tangible and intangible things that satisfy their needs. Receiving rewards will make people feel safe, happy, joyful, inspired and motivated; receiving rewards make people filled with happy chemicals.On the other hand, with some individuals, punishing these individuals means they will suffer the losses of tangible things or intangible things, which are the things they need to satisfy their needs. Being Punishment means bearing the losses. People perceive the actions of other people as punishments if the actions make them have the feeling of losses and the feelings of reducing their need satisfaction. Punishing make people have the feeling of reducing their certainty, their excitement, their connection and love, their significance, their development, and their contribution. These actions of punishment will make people feel unsafe, disappointed, annoyed, angry, sad, and extremely stressful. [2] [3] [4] [11] [40]At some stage of life, they have one or some needs stronger than other needs. With some groups of people, these needs are increasing. They need more and more. To satisfy these expanding needs they have to accumulate and possess thousand precious things. If outside conditions meet our needs, it means these needs are satisfied, the happy system activated, chemicals of happiness appear in brain and body make us have good feelings. As the human creature, we want to have more happy feelings. The actions of animals are to satisfy the need for survival; on the other hand, human beings act to make them have the feeling of happiness. The drive of thoughts, behaviors of human beings is feelings – the happy feelings. Collecting, accumulating, achieving, receiving, wearing only make people feel happy; they are happy when these things are satisfied with individuals’ needs. All actions are to find joy from hunting, training, studying, kickboxing, playing, beating, killing, breaking, or suicide. People have the sophisticated brain than people can imagine, with the memory, intelligence, and imagination, people do not find joy directly from the actions. They find joy in every action based on their perception of the actions. The memory and imagination make their perceptions have the private meaning. These are two kinds of joy: short-term joy and long-term joy, or short-term gain and long-term gain. All animals’ behavior is to have immediate satisfaction; they do not have the much ability to think in long term. All worthwhile achievements in the world are the result of long-term gain, the mind of human beings makes them direct the action to the long-term gain. The potential of the brain helps them accept short-term pain gracefully and joyfully on the way to accomplish worthwhile results.


What chemicals circulate in our bodies when we stressed? Many studies have shown there is three main chemicals cause stress. These are adrenaline, cortisone, and norepinephrine. The three major stress hormones explained the “fight or flight” system that takes over us when we in a dangerous situation or when we are stressed. This was the survival system for our ancestors to survive well in the dangerous environment. This survival system does not help us much in safe, constant changing of our modern society. Sometimes the constant trigger of this system can cause us a lot of problems. In our daily life, sometimes the small change in life it makes a stranger, unexpected but safe thing happen to us but our survival system triggered. This makes us annoyed a lot. Constant of this activating can cause us fatigue, tired and stress a lot. For example, when you received a friend’s call from office’s number late at night, your body reacts so much stressful as if there would be an attack from a tiger behind.According to Sarah Klein (2013) from with the article: “Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine: The Three Major Stress Hormones, Explained”, three major stress chemicals are adrenalin, cortisol, and norepinephrine [31]. Cortisol, adrenalin, along with nor-epinephrine is largely responsible for the vigorous and immediate reactions when being stressed. Cortisol is a stress hormone. In survival mode, the optimal amount of cortisol can save the life. Cortisol helps maintain fluid balance, increase glucose in the blood, and maintain fluid balance. On the other hand, cortisol reduces some body functions that are not crucial in the stressful condition, like reproductive drive, immunity, digestion, growth and many more functions that are no need for the survival situation. A temporary increase of cortisol is very helpful for a critical situation. People will get many serious problems when the body continuously releases cortisol. Too much cortisol can reduce substantially some body functions; which are immune system, reduce memory ability, reduce mental capacity, increase stomach problem, increase blood pressure, increase blood sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, and lead to obesity and many more problems I will describe later.In critical condition, especially the anaphylactic shock, physicians use a large amount of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and corticosteroid to save the life of the patients. Reading the mechanism of these chemicals will help readers understand why the stressed people have the signs and symptoms. The chronic stress leads to chronically elevated levels of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol, which are the causes of many illnesses and problems in children and adults like stomach problems, intestine problems, poor memory ability, poor mental capacity, and diabetes. We can know by seeing the increasing heartbeats, sweating, pale skin, gray skin, and the tension of muscle in actions, which has its own motive: vigorousness, suddenness, making noise, short and quick breath, non-smoothly action, and the stiff handshake. If you pay attention closely, we can sense or see these signals from stressed people. When people are angry or stressed, they will have the signals of stress are so obvious that most of their relatives can realize. In the stressed state, you will feel a surge of energy, which you might need to run away from a dangerous situation or fight against simulations. Stressed people tend to over-react with even mild stimulations from the environment. When people are stressed or peaceful, they can radiate the pattern of stressed energy or peaceful energy to other people around. Dogs can sense the energy of opposite individuals in a blink. If you are under stress, your dog may stay away from you, lying quietly. Otherwise, when you are in happiness, your dog will go around you; a dog will play and make fun of you ceaselessly. Children can sense the energy from parents and adults more accurately than adults can. So that children can feel peaceful with nice, calm stranger; otherwise, children will have the feel of stress with sad, negative people. After staying with stress, negative people, children may have some abnormal behaviors of stress. The mind of children – fragile creatures – can catch better and retain longer the visible and invisible stress signals than adults do.Table 1: Side effects of three stress chemicalsSide effects of three chemicals creating stressAdrenalinNorepinephrineLess serious side effects Cortisol

Serious side effects cortisol

SweatingPain, burningAcne, dry skin, or thinning skinVision problemsNausea and vomitingNumbness, weakness, or coldBruising or discoloration of skinSwellingPale skinSlow or uneven heart rateInsomniaRapid weight gainFeeling short of breathTrouble breathingMood changesShortness of breathDizzinessVision, speech, or balance difficultiesIncreased sweatingSevere depression or unusual thoughts or behaviorsWeakness or tremorsBlue lips or fingernailsHeadacheSeizuresHeadacheSpotted skinDizzinessBloody or tarry stoolsFeeling of nervousness or anxiousnessNausea, stomach painCoughing up bloodHigh blood pressure symptoms: severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeat, seizureSymptoms of pancreatitis: pain in your upper stomach that spreads to your back; nausea and vomiting; or fast heart rateLow potassiumDangerously high blood pressure[2] [3] [4] [8] [11] [12] [15] [30] [31] [32]


In their behaviors: if yes, they ate stress. You only have these kind of behaviors when you in stress. As you see, they lack social skills, they cannot talk: language is the product of living environment – as your native language and my native language; we speak it naturally without thinking at all. We are not born with our native language, so I doubt their connection with their living environment and/or the state of mind that they cannot or do not want to learn. You can test them with Aesop fables which they do not understand much, pretending game – they do not understand, interacting, communicating or persuading. They are in the low level of this. For official test: you can test them with EQ test, and Aesop stories, metaphors. All these low-level vital skills make them never feel safe, connection to the environment: it makes them stress. Over time, it makes the downward spirals that make them more and more lack of social skills and suffer more stress. Autism, Dyslexia: is the product of environment, they are not born with its. When you know they are suffering from STRESS. You will see and understand the mechanism of meditation, NLP, hypnotism, Love, Caring, Touch, kissing, communicating for understanding.


Observed four factorsTable 2: The four causes of human problemsThe four causes of human problems1. Lack of connectionAll beings: parents, people, adults, kids, brothers, nature, trees, animals, and natural living environment; technology devices make this lacking worsen.2. Lack of loveUnconditional love, unconditional support, and love come from understanding. Most of the love they received are angry love, blind love, ignorant love, greedy love, selfish love, and conditioned love; receiving these love making them more painful and stressful.3. Stressful environmentStress from family: parents, sibling, and adults; school: teachers, friends, subject, and tests; environment: all things they see as the threatening. They do not get enough love, connection, ability and understanding to overcome the mild unwanted problems.4. Lack of skill, abilities, knowledge, right understanding or ignoranceLack of essential skills and ability make them left behind. Conditioned love, lack of connection and many threatening make them do not feel safe enough to learn more, do more, try more, ask more and play more to gain real powers, strength, and abilities. They misunderstand many essential things, and conflicts in human society as threatening.They are not understood by adults that they real things they need is unconditional love, connection, close contact, and supportive environment to feel safe to gain essential skills to understand and deal well with the problems they meet.The best combination of love, connection, and good understanding creates individual’s ability. Love, connection, and understanding of environment create inspiration, motivation, and safety for children to learn more, do more and risk more. These lead to strong abilities of the children. The best combination of love, connection, and understanding helps ordinary children become geniuses; and help them achieve far more success in life than ordinary people can imagine. On the other hand, the worst combination may create the pain, fear, sadness, disappointment, hurt, wound, depression, and anxiety for the children. The smart children may affect extremely stressed if they live under the worst combination of these four factors. The lack of love, lack of connection, lack of understanding, stressful problems, and stressed state of mind interact with each other form a circle of cause and effect or a dot of cause and effect. Gradually, countless vicious circles are formed. The connection of these circles creates the downward spiral or downward life. The circle of cause and effect leave mark on thought, belief, brain structure, emotional life, spiritual life, cognitive thinking, gene, physical body, metabolism, skills, talent, ability, cognitive behaviors, and habits of the children. Gradually, children may affect some mental diseases, social problems, health problems, and bad characters. [7] [9] [10] [13] [16]On the bright side, we live in the society where there are talented people, genius, the saints, great men, and successful people; all of them grew up with naked small children. On the contrary, there also are the criminals, the slaughters, the poor, the disabled, the ill, and many miserable people in our society; all of them also grew up from naked small children. Some people are the sufferers of living environment; in other words, they are the creators of their destiny.What is the best combination of these four factors, what is the worst combination of these four factors? There is no exact answer, the combination is not only the science of achievement but also is the art of living well. Parents and leaders have to use the head and the heart to get the understanding; then they need to use the head and heart in serving and using the art of reward and punishment.“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”John Quincy AdamsI will prove the assumption in table fourteen “The four main causes cause most of the problems” by the theory and the knowledge that I know. I hope that researchers and statisticians will quantify these causes, and carry out the treatment to the needed people.First, I will use the mental disorders with the known symptoms of the disorders but do not fully know the causes. The mental disorder is increasing substantially in our modern society. Most concerns are autism, depression, and ADHD happening to many healthy children without any previous indicators. Especially, the autism causes most of the worry in parents. Even worse, these problems happening to small children seem out of control, it creates stress and worries for many parents. I chose autism as an example because autism has some characters that are not understandable for the researchers, physicians, and scientists. On the other hand, the autistic characters easily explained by the assumption of four causes in table two.The signs of Autism, from National Autism Association with my explanation in brackets and italics [6], [37]Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by:- Social impairments (“Lack of interacting skill or social skill, these skills needed a lot of effort to study and master”).-Cognitive impairments (“Lack of cognitive thinking, this skill is very hard to form and master”)-Communication difficulties (“How hard if you have to learn a new language or to live in a new country where there is only has danger? It is harder for the autistic children to learn to speak and read other emotion if the children have no joy or no safety in learning”)-Repetitive behaviors (“The signs of the children have very little skill or learn just a few behaviors, they tend to repeat a few behaviors they learned”)Early Signs: a person child ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) might:-Not respond to their name (“They do not have much impressed with their name, they do not have the feeling of joy or happiness when hearing their name”).-Not point at objects or things of interest (“Lack of interest in things. What is your interested when you are fearful, tired and stressed”)-Not play “pretend” games (“This game need a lot of cognitive thinking and imaginative thinking, the ability belong to emotional thinking. How hard to play pretend game with police officers, technical engineers or serious people? How easy it is to play a pretending game with the healthy children who have a highly imaginative mind, irrational thinking, and little of prejudices!”)-Avoid eye contact (“Autistic children do not know to read information from the eye as normal children do”)-Want to be alone (“Lack of all vital social skills so the best way is to stay away from the crowd. They have suffered enough how painful when they contact with other. Sadly, this pain may come from the beloved ones”)-Have difficulty understanding, or showing understanding, or other people’s feelings or their own. (“Autistic children lack the emotional intelligence so that they lack understand other and understand themselves”)-Have no speech or delayed speech (“How hard for children to learn to talk? Lack of love, connection, understanding, and a lot of stressful problems make children afraid to learn to talk. The slower start of speech makes them more stressed than healthy children also”)-Repeat words or phrases over and over (“It is very hard to learn, so when they learn anything, especially learning with joy, they tend to repeat that words: let observe the emotion or feeling when the autistic children repeating words”)-Give unrelated answers to questions. (“They do not have the cognitive thinking or intelligence to understand the questions and words of questions. They may give unrelated answers. Unfortunately, if autistic children get pain from answering, they may be so much more fearful with the learning that they choose to withdraw from learning”)-Get upset by minor changes. (“Living under the constant stressed state caused by living environment, they will be in response or upset with minor changes: minor changes can stimulate the fight or flight in autistic children. You can understand this when you are stressed or angry because of fear, overwork or in a stressful situation. How much love, connection, and understanding you need from your beloved ones?”)-Have obsessive interests. (“Autistic children only know very little things, like or love very little things, and these things may bring joy for them, so that they may have these interests.”)-Flap their hands, rock their body or spin in circles. (“Perhaps they learn these behaviors by mimic the behaviors of characters in the shows on television”)-Have unusual reactions (over or under-sensitivity) to the way things sound, smell, taste, look or feel. (“The things with sound, smell, taste, look or feel may have some similarity with the stressed situation they have suffered. The familiar sound, smell, taste, look, and feel may appear in the situation that caused negative events in their family. Their unusual reactions are just the conditioned responses”)-Have low to no social skills (“Social skills are the hard skills learned from the environment. The autistic children are so much stressed that they learn very little or no social skills, on the other hand, the healthy children have enough joy, love, and connection to learning these social skills”).-Avoid or resist physical contact (“Physical contact creates many emotional signals; they will avoid and resist if they do not feel joyful, happy, and peaceful with physical contact. Quick-tempered parents usually make their children do not feel safe with any of their behaviors. Unfortunately, if they do not get enough physical contact, they may be indifference with other people”).-Demonstrate little safety or danger awareness. (“The show of lacking abilities”)-Reverse pronouns (e.g., says “you” instead of “I”)People with autism may also:-Have unusual interests and behaviors. (“This is because of lacking skills and poor learning abilities”)-Have extreme anxiety and phobias, as well as unusual phobias (“Any normal things in the living environment that created or related to their previous the stressed state will become their phobias. New Office workers may fear many things during their first day at work; they may have a lot of phobias. Experienced workers are less fearful than new workers are. Phobias come from not understand, misunderstand or previous experience”)-Line up toys or other objects. (“Perhaps this is the mark of logical intelligence and spatial intelligence the autistic boys have”).-Play with toys the same way every time. (“They learn only a few ways to play with toys”)-Like parts of objects (e.g., wheels)-Become upset by minor changes. (“Minor changes can be interpreted into big threats with stressed people”).Other Symptoms:– Hyperactivity (“A way of reducing the stress that they suffered in unusual ways; Moreover, constant acting help release enormous energy in small children”)- Impulsivity (“Acting without thinking, they lack emotional intelligence, lack of compassion so that when they are irritated, they usually act with little thinking”)- Short attention span (“The stressed state in mind and stress chemicals in the body make them lack of concentration.”)- Aggression (“Another word of expressing the overreact of hurting people”)- Cause self-injury. (“To some extent, the self-injury activities may help them relief with pain in their brain and bodyWho likes tattooing? Who like hurting themselves and others? Do you have any experience that you are so stressed that you want to hurt yourself?”)- Meltdowns (“The tension in mind, thinking, and brain will lead to exhaustion very quickly”)- Unusual eating and sleeping habits (“Eating and sleeping are affected by the feeling they have. Unusual feelings lead to unusual eating and unusual sleeping habits. Autistic children normally eat in fear, eat in sorrow and sleep with fear”)- Unusual mood or emotional reactions (“This is the results from stress and hurt that they have suffered”)- Lack of fear or more fear than expected. (“This comes from lack of understanding of the environment.”)When I read these symptoms of autism, I got a chill. I visualized that these autistic kids had been gone through serious stress. Moreover, they are still being so stressful that they upset by minor changes. Observers can easily see and feel the stressed state through their actions, their reactions to the environment, and their reactions to stimulations of the environment. They can sense the stress chemicals available to autistic children. The effects of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisone in table three: “the most symptoms of stress that we can find in many patients” may found in every autistic child.I want to find out what are the real causes of autism, I cannot satisfy with the presumed causes by some researchers: A genetic basis to autism, environmental pollution, or the Valproic acid – a medicine for seizures. If one of these causes is true, they can create the autistic mice in the laboratory. In fact, mice with autism have not yet successfully created; some researchers believe that the mice injected with Valproic acid have some autistic symptoms are not autistic mice [18]. Moreover, if one of the above causes is true, so how can we explain the ratio between the numbers of autistic boys and autistic girls. Most of the living areas of autistic children are in cities, the very rare case of autistic children in the countryside, or rural areas. The fact there is all the above assumptions are wrong because these assumptions fail to prove the character of autism.I think the real causes must belong to the lifestyle of family members (love) [5], the caring for autistic children (connection), the energy in their families (peace – stress) [35] and the ability of children; these are the four causes combine each other and create the effects on children.The first health problem individuals possibly affect at the early stage of life is autism. If the infants’ needs for connection and love are not satisfied, the infants may become irritation, anger, and stress. Even worse, the stressful atmosphere in their family caused by parents can make the stress of children more severe. Close observation can easily realize the stressful atmosphere in the families of autistic children. Their parents may be stressful with work, society, financial problem; lack of love and support from a partner or tired of the boring partner. Parents become stressed, make a lot of crying, a lot of blame, a lot of fucking, shouting; a lot of ruling of “have to”, a lot of contempt signals. Many parents also get the symptoms of stress in table three: the most symptoms of stress that we can find in many patients. One of my vivid moments was about my first child three months ago, in the morning, he woke up, making some fun activities, but when he saw my wife suffering pain because of scram in her leg, he nearly burst into a tear. We had to hug him and calm him down. This has triggered in me with the thinking of what happening with children in the stressful family. I have read a lot of many mothers got depression after giving birth. The depression of the mothers comes from the stressful atmosphere in families that many readers and people have seen. How about the small children and the infants in those families, what suffering they have to bear; finding out the effects of stressful environment on small children are my main concerns. Some people in Vietnam said that the mother and father with over thirty years old or thirty-five years old are too old for giving birth and their children may get the defects and problems. This is just the people’s assumption because the Westerners do not think that and they do not find the scientific proof for the assumption. After searching I found out that the habits, thinking, lifestyle, and emotion of the parents over thirty-five years old are too rigid, too tidy, too boring and too stressful for the forming and developing of fetus and children. The main concerns for the development of the children are the lifestyle and energy of living environment, it is not the number of years old of parents.Lacking love, lacking connection combining with the endless stress can create the health problems in young kids. Depending on the varieties of stressful environment, of lacking love, of lacking connection, the infants can get the different degree of stressed state. The fact is the effects of stress on the physical ability and mental ability of children varies so much that scientists have to use the term of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to describe the variety of autism.Children affect which symptoms in the list of symptoms depend on the degree of stress that they have to suffer from the environment. The ability of individual depends on the stage of life, gender, characters, the instinct, strengths, and weaknesses. The ability of individuals, the lack of love, the lack of connection, the degree of the stressful environment and the intervention of physicians will determine the variety of the autistic symptoms. The above combination varies so much that the symptoms and progression of autistic children have so many varieties, scientists have to use Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to describe autism.The basic symptoms of autism, illustrated by the table below, are often accompanied by other medical conditions. These symptoms are the results of the constant stressed state that the autistic children have suffered. The varieties of each symptom depend on the environment and the abilities of children. Each specific group of symptoms with a right degree can create a specific definition of illness in medical care.

Table 3: Basic symptoms of autism accompanied by other medical conditionsCore autism symptomsAssociated neurological issuesAssociated systemic issuesRelated disordersSocial deficitsSleep deficitsImmune dysfunctionSleep disordersLanguage impairmentMood disordersGI disordersMood disordersRepetitive behaviorsAnxietyAnxiety disordersHyperactivitiesAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderLack of attentionObsessive-compulsive disorderSeizuresSources:  [6]The autism and other health problems in young boys and young girls are the serious side effects of excessive stress chemicals; these excessive stress chemicals come from the bearing of extreme stress in life.Infants and kids are afraid of big noises, aggressive environment, beating, shouting, unsafe environment. Most of all they are afraid of a beating, comparing with others by their angry parents. They are afraid of the activities that harm the six needs of human beings. They are so weak and fragile that they need love, connection, peaceful environment to grow. Unfortunately, in modern society, there are plenty of technology devices, which attract the attention of children and family members; it means that these devices take away the connection and love of small children. Parents lost a large amount of time to connect with their children and other members. Children do not get enough love and connection they feel uncomfortable with some symptoms of stress. If not handle well, they may be stressed and make some bad behaviors like crying, shouting, and screaming. Making bad behaviors, children may receive back the anger of their parents and adults; which may make children more hurting and stressed. Their discomfort makes their unconscious mind misinterprets many unsatisfied things as threatens from the environment. It activates the stress system in children’s bodies. Each time of stress, the stress hormones pump into the body and brain by themselves. If stress continues, it compounds into severe stress with many complications. [2] [3] [4] [11] [12]

4. Conclusion:

ALL IN ONE, ONE IN ALL:Dear Neurologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, educators, sleep therapists, cardiologist, language therapists, educators, trainers, teachers: there is no separation in the health of heart, stomach, muscle, cognitive thinking, sleeping, hormone system: all are interdependent and under the state of mind.Remember when working with the mind: irrational mind, the giant brain evolved for millions of years, illogical mind and Placebo effects, Neuro-plasticity, Mirror neurons, self-affirmation, self-talk, nocebo effects, T1/2 of all substances, taboos, rituals, religious belief, compound effects, conditioned responses, flexible adaptability, illusive mind, self-healing or self-destroying, irrational thinking, Subliminal message, Marketing of luxury brand, and Hysteria: what do we feed the mind of beings every day? And what if all of these lead to negativity or positivity? Maybe Outliers or Failures! [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [34] [35] [38]Five minutes of rapping can affect the whole life.Five minutes of abusing can make victims fear whole lifeOne minute of bombing, earthquake, fear, hysterical stress the killing can affect their whole life.It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they cannot consciously control.How do we know they are under stress: read their behaviors, read the body language. In stress state, stress chemicals: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisol will dominate the body. The effect of these stress chemicals listed in any medical book and look closer we can see all these effects are available in kids, to some extents, the effects caused by stress chemicals are the best answer for the autistic rainbow. Sorry, they are not happy with the label “Gifted”.The light at the end of the tunnel: Nick Vujicic, Hellen Keller, Franklin D. Rosevelt, Steven Hawking, Paralympic athletes are disabled.As pharmacists, we do not dispense prescribed medication to healthy ones.Asking the sages: “How are there so various people in the world?” he answered “Only babies are born!” and he smiled “We are living on the heavenly earth.” “It is the Nature, not God”Please do the studies to redefine clearly these facts in our society so that we have an effective prediction, prevention and cure for mental health and social problems. [41]Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao DuyThe hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao DuySeasonal stress in america and world kill the most, not cold, heat or flu from Van Dao DuyThe hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao DuyTự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy
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Dao (2017) Awaken You Wonderful We: The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning –Talent. Amazon.comTự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quảCÂU TRẢ LỜI CHO PHỔ TỰ KỶ: HÀM 4 BIẾN VÀ NHỮNG CHÌA KHÓA HIỆU QUẢ TRONG CAN THIỆP TỰ KỶ, TĂNG ĐỘNG VÀ CHẬM NÓI MỐI LIÊN HỆ NGẦM GIÚ…Trả lời cho câu hỏi triết học – Answer for philosophical questionTrả lời cho câu hỏi triết học: phật đã trả lời cả ngàn năm trước rồi. Xin mượn lời phật và Lão Tử để mô tả lại. (the character or langua…A new view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problemsHOW TO HAVE CALM, PEACEFUL MIND, AND HAPPY LIVING BY SIMPLE MEDITATION AND THE SHARING OF THICH NHAT HANH ABOUT THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA …

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