Removing trigger points to treat backache, neckpain, headache, shoulder pain, stiff neck, back pain, lumbar pain and nerve pain, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, cold hands, feet; the weakness.

Removing trigger points to treat backache, neckpain, headache, shoulder pain, stiff neck, back pain, lumbar pain and nerve pain, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, cold hands, feet, the weakness.
A. The first: eat and drink firstThe heat comes from metabolic reactions. To remove the trigger points more heat the better. Just touching on the skins of the forehead, the back, the shoulder to feel whether or not the body has normal body temperature.
To the weak, skinny or chronically ill people, they need to take a lot of sugar juice to supply enough glucose for the cells. During practice, there are some learners had chronic illnesses taken nearly 400 mg of sugar to have enough glucose for the cells. After two – hours practicing some qigong exercise, checking their glycemia, we got the number ranged from 6.0 mmol/l to 8 mmol/l.
The author was surprised that how the cells of their bodies were undergone. To the people who have the right body weight or overweight and have a warm back and warm forehead may not need to drink sugar juice unless feel tired.
B. The second: lie down and place an object on the lower abdomen
Lie down and place an object weight about 1 kg to 2 kg on the lower abdomen. The object the author usually uses was the bottle of water, a rock, a brick or a handy bag. Place from 10 minutes to 30 minutes until they have   warm hands and warm feet.
During practice, the author usually saw that the hand will warm first, then the stomach, and the foot.
Ø If the hands and the foot warm, then do the third stepIf the hands warm and the foot are not warm, these people can take more sugar juice then continue to lie down and put an object on the lower abdomen.
Ø If the hands and the feet are not warm, even worse, the hand become colder and have cold sweating, stop immediately to start the first step to eating more and drinking more sugar juice The warm of the skin is from the heat of the metabolic reactions of the cells under the skin. When the cells under the skin hunger for glucose for the metabolic reactions, the skin is cold or dry.
·         During practice, the author saw that there were some practitioners have the temperature in the hands increased just a little then it started to decreased immediately; this can explain that that glucose level in the blood starts to reduce substantially. The author asked the practitioners to start to take more sugar juice if they want to continue.·      
All the physical exercises will increase the blood circulation to the muscle, organs, and cells in the whole body. The disadvantage of physical exercise make many people do not persist to follow because to gain good health from physical exercise, some people have to take hard physical exercise. There are a lot of soft tissues, soft organs and large vessels in the lower stomach so changing the vibration or movement of the lower stomach can make a great impact on blood circulation.·     
This is the reason why deep breathing and abdominal breathing in yoga or qigong have many benefits on health.
After many times of practicing, the author realized that by placing an object in the lower stomach, lying down and breathing normally, we put a rhythmic force directly on the blood circulation to boost the blood circulation.
C. The third: Relaxed deep breathing
Ø  The lungs take oxygen for the body, but the health of the lungs are interdependent to the health of other important organs and the whole body. Relaxed deep breathing makes the lungs healthier and equipped well oxygen for the whole body. Scientists and researchers do find out that the great benefit of deep breathing – a kind of exercise in Yoga, meditation and Qigong.
Ø  During practicing, when practitioners have relaxed, long deep breaths, they can have the hand warm, feel much healthier, and soothes the pain in the muscle and the lungs.        
How can we know if someone has deep breathing? Just count that in one minute, how many breaths that they take.
A simple way to have relaxed deep breathing is:
1. Just try to breath out via mouth or nose gently and slowly and as long as possible, when breathing out, we can pronounce small voice of OOOO or UUU or hahahahaha. By having this small sound, practitioners can have the breathing out longer 2-5 seconds than the breath without small sound. This can make the breath longer, deeper but the practitioners are not tired and do not have to try hard.
2. Do not try to breathe in, just breathe in normally.By practicing this, practitioners can have only 6 to 12 breaths in a minute. While the patients of asthma usually have 20 – 40 breaths per minute.
The shorter the breath, the weaker they are. The shorter of the breath can make patients have more chest pain.
D. The fourth: clapping on trigger points until having the sensation of roughness.
Ø Clap on the muscle of the back, the shoulder, the neck, the nape, and the head  
Clap on the muscle around the temple bone, the nose, the eyebrows, the bones, quick and slightly clapping can make the born and mucus inside vibrate, open the contricted veins. You will feel well immediately when there is the feeling of roughness
  When the practitioners have warm hand and/or foot, start to clap on the muscle on the back, the muscle on the lumber, the muscle on the neck, the muscle on the nape and the muscle on the head; these are the areas   have many trigger points.
Clapping on trigger points, people only feel numbness, continue clapping on it until people have the sensation of roughness or burning. The trigger points will be removed when people have the sensation of roughness or burning. Clap on those areas until all have a sensation of roughness.Self-checking before and after doing this by bending up and forth the neck, shoulder, heads, arm, the back and pressing around the eyesbrow, noses
E. Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs by comfortable clapping or punching.Ø This is the reason why some kind of medicine to treat high blood pressure that effect of contraction and expending of blood vessel cause the side effect of coughing – TRY PUNCHING, OR CLAPPING ON THE BACK TO REMOVE TRIGGER POINTS, WE CAN CLEAN THE AIRWAY AND STOP THE COUGHING. Any kind of coughing, even the coughing caused by side effects of hypertension medications.
Ø Right clapping or right punching that does not make patients feel pain or roughness but has impact on the vibrations of inner organs, vibrations of the cells, vessels,… can clear the ways, tubes, vessels that are inside the organs or connecting organs. This will make a great impact on health if we do it on the right degree.
That is why the right nutrition and regular physical exercises are the best advice for patients of all kinds of diseases. Nutrition just give energy for the body. The exercises just to mobilize the cells, expansion of the vessels, and make the whole body more.
The movement of the muscles helps the vessels and the heart in circulating the blood. The facts are if we spleen the normal right arm for a month, we will have a weak right arm and a little atrophy on this arm. It is proved that the physical movements have great impacts on the blood circulation and the health of cells and organs.
ü  The stiffness of the muscle in the lumbar may make the lumbar pain and prevent blood circulation to the foot which causes pain, irritation, tingling and weakness in the legs, hips, knees, and feet.
ü  The stiffness of the muscle on the shoulder may press the vessels to the arms and hands, which causes the hands’ pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling.
ü  The stiffness of the muscle on the neck and the nape will prevent the blood circulation to the neck, spine, and head, which cause degenerative spine, headache, dizziness, tingling, vertigo, Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases and Vestibular disorder.
ü  The cold and abnormal function of the muscle in the vessels, intestine muscle, stomach muscle will also prevent the blood circulation and substances exchanging between the heart, lungs, intestine, liver, kidneys and soft tissues, which will make these organs function poorly. We do know that we will have heart ischemia when the blood to the heart is poorly.
These trigger points in the muscles in the abdominal if not being removed will prevent blood circulation in the abdominal. The chronic poor blood circulation in the abdominal may create heart diseases, lung diseases, liver diseases, kidneys diseases, and organs failure. The kind of diseases and the severity of the diseases depends on the degree and the sites of poor blood circulation.
ü  Poor blood circulation to the soft tissues may make people feel pain
Most of these symptoms and the symptoms of fibromyalgia will be removed or reduced substantially by practicing these three steps.
Furthermore, during practicing, the author saw that increasing the heat of the body and removing the trigger point, we can deal with a lot of health symptoms and diseases.
Always bear in mind the exercises that make the hands and feet warm.During and after practice, to remain the results, always make the body have enough nutrition by eating and drinking and make the veins clear. To gain this state you can maintain these interdependent signs:
1.   Keep hand and feet Malware
2.   Keep blood pressure around 120/80.
3.   Keep glycemia at least 6.4 mmol/l when hungry.
4.   Have references the Qigong exercise in these sources to have a full view: web or the book: “Awaken You Wonderful We” or in review article: “The cause and possible cure for cancer and chronic diseases from applying Papaya leaf juice, baking soda, aspirin, sugar, temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong breathing, exercise, metabolism, and traditional medicine.”Van Duy Dao


Giúp mọi người thành bác sĩ của chính mình. Và làm dần, đủ độ, khỏi cả bệnh mãn tính, thoái hóa, gai, huyết áp thấp, lạnh tay chân, cao huyết áp, nhịp tim cao tiểu đường.

Sách “Tự chữa bệnh không dùng thuốc” không sử dụng khái niệm y học phức tạp, đưa y học, khoa học, đời thường thành các bài thực hành phổ thông, dễ học, dễ thực hành cho mọi người.

Nguyên lý y học, thực hành thì cơ học, đơn giản. Có nguyên lý của tự khám, cách tự chữa, và tự sờ biết được khỏi hay chưa, còn hay không.

Cơ sở xoa bóp, bấm huyệt biết áp dụng sẽ nhân bội hiệu quả trong trị liệu mà nhàn, không mất sức, quan trọng là tác động tận gốc tạng và gốc khí huyết.

Hội nhóm tình nguyện khi biết làm (chỉ 1 vài buổi) thì cả trăm tình nguyện viên có thể thành nhà trị liệu cho cộng đồng. Và sản phẩm đơn giản, dễ làm, giúp cộng đồng khỏe mãi nhiều năm sau.

Ngành: Gốc thiếu ở nêu vấn đề. Và sai ở nêu giải pháp. Khi bệnh trên cơ thể vật lý chủ yếu chỉ là DO thể TẮC, CỨNG, LẠNH vật lý.

5 phút tự ấn bụng, vỗ lưng, ngực, gõ ấn bàn chân, bàn tay kiểm tra nhanh, sờ nhiệt chân tay là biết thể trạng, khỏe hay không, tắc ở đâu..

Cuốn sách không thể thiếu cho mọi người, cơ sở xoa bóp, bấm huyệt, phòng mạch, và người chăm sóc bệnh nhân.

Tác giả, ds Văn. Admin web và khóa học online cùng tên.

Tác giả cuốn Awaken You Wonderful We phiên bản tiếng anh trên Amazon.

Và hướng dẫn các khóa online về tâm lý, thiền, chăm sóc trẻ, tự chữa bệnh trên nền tảng Edumall, Unica với hơn 50.000 học viên.

Khỏi không cần thuốc
Mọi LÚC, ở mọi NƠI, với mọi THỨ.

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    Dầu gió
    Lược, thìa, đũa, que

    Hì, hà, hù, hóp, ấn, dấn, đưa tay
  3. Ở:
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  4. Khi ăn ĐỦ No
    Đồ ăn dân giã
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    nghèo đói thèm,
    không kén chọn,
    ăn suốt ngày
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    mà không biết ốm.
    Ăn key:
    Đủ KCAL quan trọng
    Thiếu Kcal là con nhà
    chuẩn chết đói
    ĂN theo
    nhu cầu ăn,
    Hay ngủ,
    Hay gõ máy tính trong nhà lạnh,
    Hay gõ mõ,
    ít vận động tay chân,
    thi đấu,
    hay làm như trâu.
    Có em kêu gầy
    Gầy khác gì đói
    Gầy cần ăn thêm
    Không ăn được thì
    Sau ăn
    Nhẩm kcal,
    dỗ 1 cốc sữa đặc
    Năng lượng hơn 3 bát cơm

    DỄ TRÔI.
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    Chết trên đống đồ ăn
    Mua máy đường máu mà đo.
    Tuần 3 lần mà xem.
    Khôn quá hóa dại là HỎNG.
    LINH HOẠT ĐỦ một, hai, ba, bốn
    Sẵn tâm hay giúp người
    Người hay niệm adida
    Tâm phóng sinh
    Ta sẽ tự khỏi
    Tự khỏe
    Tự phòng
    Tự chữa
    Tự đem lại niềm vui cho người
    Cho mình
    Linh Đàm, Hanoi t6/28/5/2021
    Cbkdt Văn
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