From Awaken you wonderful we1. Watching a strong girl screaming and running away when seeing a cockroach, I understand the power of character and the weakness of knowledge and intelligence.2. Watching a healthy fainted when seeing someone is bleeding, I understand the power of things in his mind and the weakness of the strong muscles and assumed intelligence.3. Watching a young, healthy man running away and left his friend behind when seeing the danger, I understand the power of characters is more important than the power of muscle and power of knowledge.4. Watching a small dog bravely attack bigger dog to protect his owner, I understand the obsessed desires, and brave is more important than strong muscle and big muscles.5. Understanding the fears, roots of fears, the drives, habits, and behaviors make me understand deeper about human beings, and the hidden of a powerful mind.6. Watching a well-known manager scolding his staffs then taking home the properties of the company when no one saw, I understand the importance of characters, virtues, and compassionate mind than ever before.7. Watching a rich man wearing many luxury things, like praising, boasting then angrily scolding his staffs for a small error, I understand the power of character, intelligence, wealthy, healthy, and contentment.
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