
Applying Vietnamese Qi gong to Remove trigger point and balance metabolic reactions, the key for fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, Vestibular disorder, and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Removing trigger point and balance metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Van Duy DaoTrainer, Awaken You Wonderful We, Vietnam

AbstractWhen we talk about the vital role of oxygen, we forget that the vital role of oxygen is to interact with glucose in the cells catalyzed by many enzymes to generate energy. The main source to generate energy in cells is from glucose, enough glucose is as vital as enough oxygen. Poor blood circulation may come from the blocking points in the vessels or from low blood pressure or low blood glucose. In the body, all the billions of cells of all body systems need the energy to have normal functions; which is mainly generated from metabolizing glucose. When the cells hunger for glucose, it can start to use structure stored glucose or stored lipids or polysaccharides or structure lipid or structure protein. To take stored glucose, the body needs good blood circulation and right body temperature. The people with chronic illness often have hormonal imbalanced – which need glucose as the main source of energy also, and poor blood circulation and disorder of thermoregulation. If we do not stop these disorders, these people may have metabolic disorders or metabolic diseases. The main energy source for the cells is from the catabolism of glucose. So any problem for glycemia and oxygen saturation will make the billions of cells of the body are out of balance. During practice Vietnamese Qi gong combining with traditional medicine, the author realizes that in just ten minutes, just by removing trigger point and balancing metabolic reactions, we can deal easily most of the symptoms of fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, Vestibular disorder, and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Keywords:Chronic diseases, metabolism, enzymes, blood circulation,  trigger-point, balancing metabolic reactions, Vietnamese Qi Gong, hypoglycemia, hypotension, deep breathing.

Citation:Van D. Dao. (September 2017). Awaken You Wonderful We: The secret of one-page table reveals all the real causes of all phenomena and problems: Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral Disorders, Depression,… https://www.awakenyouwonderfulwe.comTen minutes removing these trigger points reduces most of the central nervous symptoms: dizziness, vertigo, headache, balanced disorders, and vestibular disorders. Trigger points or stiffness areas: clap on it, there will no normal sensual, it is just the sensual of numbness.

Metabolic reactions are the main energy source for the cells.

Table 1: Catabolic reactions

Substrate + Oxy + Enzyme = Product + H2O + Energy (ATP/heat) + Enzyme

The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body

Table 2: The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body

The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body: the cell, the reactions, the environment, and the whole body.
Factor 1: Concentration of Enzyme
Factor 2: Concentration of Substrate from digested foods
Factor 3: Concentration of Oxy
Factor 4: Concentration of products
Factor 5: Mobility of blood circulation or the mobility of fluid in the cells and around the tissues.
Factor 6: The state of the solution: homogeneous or inhomogeneous
Factor 7: Temperature: When two reactants are in the same fluid phase, their particles collide to have a reaction. If the reactants are uniformly dispersed in a single homogeneous, then the number of collisions per unit time depends on concentration and temperature.
Factor 8: PH of the environment.
Factor 9: Effect of Activators or cofactors. Some of the enzymes require certain inorganic metallic cations, like Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, K+, etc., for their optimum activity.
Factor 10: Some of the properties in this category are the state of matter, molecular size, bond type, and bond strength.- State of Matter- Bond Type- Bond Strength- Number of Bonds/Molecular Size

2.     Forget biology, forget biogenetics, forget biochemistry, forget immune system, forget the metabolism when we cut the energy source for the cells

What is oxygen in the blood circulation for? When we talk about the vital role of oxygen, we forget that the vital role of oxygen is to interact with glucose in the cells catalyzed by many enzymes to generate energy. The main source to generate energy in cells is from glucose, enough glucose is as vital as enough oxygen.The circulatory or the vascular system is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, glucose and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and pH, and maintain homeostasis.

Globally, the average blood pressure, age-standardized, has remained about the same since 1975 to the present, at approx. 127/79 mmHg in men and 122/77 mmHg in women. [74]

The blood pressure is influenced by cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, and arterial stiffness and varies depending on the situation, emotional state, activity, and relative health/disease states. In the short term, blood pressure is regulated by baroreceptors which act via the brain to influence the nervous and endocrine systems. The main purpose is to give the cells enough energy to function well which varies depending on the site, situation, emotional state, activity, and relative health/disease statesBlood pressure that is too low is called hypotension, and pressure that is consistently high is hypertension.In practice, the author recorded: healthy people only have the feeling of dizziness or vertigo when they have hypotension or hypoglycemia.

Table 3: The signs and the effects of hypotension.

The signs and the effects of hypotension
· Lightheadedness or dizziness.· Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting
· If the blood pressure is sufficiently low, fainting may occur.· Dyspepsia (indigestion)
· Chest pain· Dysuria (painful urination)
· Shortness of breath· Acute, life-threatening allergic reaction
· Irregular heartbeat· Seizures
· Fever higher than 38.3 °C (101 °F)· Loss of consciousness
· Headache· Profound fatigue
· Stiff neck· Temporary blurring or loss of vision
· Severe upper back pain· Black tarry stools
· Cough with sputum

[44] [73] [74] [88] [115] [125]

Table 4: The signs and the effects of hypoglycemia

The signs and the effects of hypoglycemia
Sympathetic nervous systemCentral nervous system
·        Produced by the counterregulatory hormones• Abnormal thinking, impaired judgment• Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
• Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness• Nonspecific dysphoria,   moodiness, depression, crying, exaggerated concerns• Ataxia, incoordination,   sometimes mistaken for drunkenness
• Palpitations, tachycardia• Feeling of numbness, pins and needles (paresthesia)• Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
• Sweating• Negativism, irritability,   belligerence, combativeness, rage• Headache
• Pallor, coldness, clamminess• Personality change, emotional lability• Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
• Dilated pupils (mydriasis)• Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep• Generalized or focal seizures
• Hunger, borborygmus• Confusion, memory loss, lightheadedness or dizziness, delirium• Abnormal thinking, impaired judgment
• Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort• Staring, glassy look, blurred vision, double vision• Nonspecific dysphoria,   moodiness, depression, crying, exaggerated concerns
• Headache• Flashes of light in the field of vision• Feeling of numbness, pins, and needles (paresthesia)
 Shakiness, dysphoria. Significant hypoglycemia appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease• Automatic behavior, also known as automatism• Negativism, irritability,   belligerence, combativeness, rage

[74] [82] [149] [66] [71] [72] [90]

3.      Remove trigger point and balance metabolic reactions

·     To make the stomach, a place where digestion, absorption, and elimination has taken place, in a good state

In Vietnam, we are told to put a small blanket across the stomach of the kids during the sleep to make them sleep well and not ill.In traditional, when people have cold stomach pain, we are told to rub the topical hot medical ointments, drink sweet ginger juice or massage the stomach.

·        Facts about laughing: Why laughing has good effects on health? Happiness and moving all signs organs in the stomach. It is like to make all the organs in the stomach upsidedown. If we make the fake laugh, we do not get the result as the real laugh. If we just feel joy but not laughing, we do not get a good impact on health as real laughThese facts and the experience make the author think of the vital role of blood circulation in health and chronic illness. Poor blood circulation may come from the blocking points in the vessels or from low blood pressure or low blood glucose. In the body, all the billions of cells of all body systems need the energy to have normal functions; which is mainly generated from metabolizing glucose. When the cells hunger for glucose, it can start to use structure stored glucose or stored lipids or polysaccharides or structure lipid or structure protein. To take stored glucose, the body needs good blood circulation and right body temperature. The people with chronic illness often have hormonal imbalanced – which need glucose as the main source of energy also, and poor blood circulation and disorder of thermoregulation. If we do not stop these disorders, these people may have metabolic disorders or metabolic diseases. The main energy source for the cells is from the catabolism of glucose. So any problem for glycemia and oxygen saturation will make the billions of cells of the body are out of balance.A metabolic disorder can generate free oxygen and free radicals. On the other hand, the immune system is not in a good state because of the hunger for energy may fail in repairing the damage caused by metabolic disorders.In traditional medicine, the pain mainly caused by trigger points, so all alternative therapies like acupressure, dry needle, massage aim to remove trigger points. In the metabolic view, the author saw that the trigger points mainly in the muscle which presses the surrounding vessels of blood circulation. The signs of trigger point are pain, numbness, cold, or rigid. Poor blood circulation may make the target cells and target organs hunger for the glucose and poison by the metabolic wastes which are not carried out well by the poor blood circulation.Glycemia, oxygen saturation and blood pressure are mainly control by heart, vessels, liver, pancreatic, intestine, lungs and kidneys. Any problems that happen to the heart, vessels, liver, pancreatic, intestine, lungs or kidneys will make the whole body have the various problems described by syndromes or metabolic diseases. Only oxygen can not create energy, the body does not have stored oxygen we do need breath continuously. To have a good metabolism, the blood needs to supply glucose or substrates for the cells at the optimum levels. Supplying substrate for metabolic reactions depend on the blood circulation to carried stored glucose and stored lipid in the abdominal area.
One common advice for all people who have any diseases is the right laboring exercise like gym, exercise, yoga, qigong; and right diets.Eating too much can make the body have too much stored-nutritions, this stored nutrition will create a lot of poisons for the body and have a burden for blood circulation and important organs. So the right advice to the people who have overweight is reducing eating and exercise more.But the skinny and the weak people, the right advice for them are eating more and the right exercise. During practice, the author saw that weak people have the cells are hunger and out of balance; they all experience symptoms of weakness, dizziness, trouble in eating, trouble in sleeping and trouble in studying.The symptoms of the hungry cells are easily found in transient hypoglycemia in diabetic patients, when they late for meals or when they skip meals.The most common cause of death in these extreme cases of starvation is myocardial infarction or organ failure. To healthy people, can easily feel hypoglycemia, hypotension and the hungry cells of the body when they have hard labor work and skipping meals. The more they skip meals the more obvious they have the symptoms of hypoglycemia and hypotensions.If the chronic patients skipping meals too much, they may have cold sweating, cold hand, trembling, vertigo, headache, dizziness or fainting which are described well in Vestibular disorder.

All of these symptoms can be easily eradicated by sweat juice, sweet candies, food or IV glucose transfusion.During practice, the author sees that with right eating or drinking sweet juice, and right exercise to increase blood circulation to all organs and cells in the body, and removing trigger points by clapping on it, most of the chronic symptoms disappear immediately in 10 minutes to 30 minutes of practicing.Self-healing with right eating, right drinking sugar juice and doing some of the exercises below.

A.                The first step: eat and drink firstThe heat comes from metabolic reactions. To remove the trigger points more heat the better. Just touching on the skins of the forehead, the back, the shoulder to feel whether or not the body has normal body temperature. To the weak, skinny or chronically ill people, they need to take a lot of sugar juice to supply enough glucose for the cells. During practice, there are some learners had chronic illnesses taken nearly 400 mg of sugar to have enough glucose for the cells. After two – hours practicing some qigong exercise, checking their glycemia, we got the number ranged from 6.0 mmol/dl to 8 mmol/dl. The author was surprised that how the cells of their bodies were undergone.To the people who have the right body weight or overweight and have a warm back and warm forehead, do not need to drink sugar juice.

B.                 The second step: lie down and place an object on the lower abdomenLie down and place an object weigh about 1 kg to 2 kg on the lower abdomen. The object the author usually uses was the bottle of water, a rock, a brick or a handy bag. Place from 10 minutes to 30 minutes until they have warm hands and warm feet. During practice, the author usually saw that the hand will warm first, then the stomach, and the foot.-         If the hands and the foot warm, then do the third step-         If the hands warm and the foot are not warm, these people can take more sugar juice then continue to lie down and put an object on the lower abdomen.-         If the hands and the foot are not warm, even worse, the hand become colder and have cold sweating, stop immediately to start the first step to eat more and drink more sugar juice-         The warmth of the skin is from the heat of the metabolic reactions of the cells under the skin. When the cells under the skin hunger for glucose for the metabolic reactions, the skin is cold or dry. During practice, the author saw that there were some practitioners have the temperature in the hands increased just a little then it started to decreased immediately; this can explain that that glucose level in the blood starts to reduce substantially. The author asked the practitioners to start to take more sugar juice if they want to continue.All the physical exercises will increase the blood circulation to the muscle, organs, and cells in the whole body. The disadvantage of physical exercise make many people do not persist to follow because to gain good health from physical exercise, some people have to take hard physical exercise. There are a lot of soft tissues, soft organs and large vessels in the lower stomach so changing the vibration or movement of the lower stomach can make a great impact on blood circulation. This is the reason why deep breathing and abdominal breathing in yoga or qigong have many benefits on health. After many times of practicing, the author realized that by placing an object in the lower stomach, lying down and breathing normally, we put a rhythmic force directly on the blood circulation to boost the blood circulation.  

C.                Third step: clapping on trigger point until having the sensation of roughness.Clap on the muscle of the back, the shoulder, the neck, the nape, and the headWhen the practitioners have warm hand and/or foot, start to clap on the muscle on the back, the muscle on the lumber, the muscle on the neck, the muscle on the nape and the muscle on the head; these are the areas have many trigger points. Clapping on trigger points, people only feel numbness, continue clap on it until people have the sensation of roughness or burning.

The trigger point will be removed when people have the sensation of roughness or burning. Clap on those areas until all have a sensation of roughness.-         The stiffness of the muscle in the lumbar may make the lumbar pain and prevent blood circulation to the foot which causes pain, irritation, tingling and weakness in the legs, hips, knees, and feet.-         The stiffness of the muscle on the shoulder may press the vessels to the arms and hands, which causes the hands’ pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling.-         The stiffness of the muscle on the neck and the nape will prevent the blood circulation to the neck, spine, and head, which cause Degenerative spine, headache, dizziness, tingling, vertigo, Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases and Vestibular disorder.-         The cold and abnormal function of the muscle in the vessels, intestine muscle, stomach muscle will also prevent the blood circulation and substances exchanging between the heart, lungs, intestine, liver, kidneys and soft tissues, which will make these organs function poorly. We do know that we will have heart ischemia when the blood to the heart is poorly. These trigger points in the muscles in the abdominal if not being removed will prevent blood circulation in the abdominal. The chronic poor blood circulation in the abdominal may create heart diseases, lung diseases, liver diseases, kidneys diseases, and organs failure. The kind of diseases and the severity of the diseases depends on the degree and the sites of poor blood circulation.-         Poor blood circulation to the soft tissues may make people feel painMost of these symptoms and the symptoms of fibromyalgia will be removed or reduced substantially by practicing these three steps.

Furthermore, during practicing, the author saw that increasing the heat of the body and removing the trigger point, we can deal with a lot of health symptoms and diseases like:·        To make the hand warm, reduce irritation in the patients who have Raynaud·        

Removing backache, pain in the neck and headache.·        

Removing Vestibular disorder hay Vestibular trouble·        To remove the headache, dizziness, vertigo and floating and most of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases·        Preventing  Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases·        Removing numbness and tingling in hands and foots·        Removing the weakness and hands and legs·        Removing lumbar pain·        Making balancing for diabetes patients·        Reducing blood pressure: remove blocking point·         Preventing heart failure, renal failure·         Liver inflammation relating to the poor blood circulation into the liver·         Heart pain relating to the poor blood circulation to the heart·         Intestine problems relating to the poor blood circulation to the intestine systems: an irritation bowel movement, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation·         Removing nerve pain and nerve inflammation·         Removing chronic fatigue.·         Treating insomnia because it increases the blood circulation to the brain and placing a small object on the lower stomach will make people pay attention to it during breathing, which can make their head is empty from unwanted thinking.·         Stress makes the blood circulation and the whole body imbalanced·         Chronic poor blood circulation can make people suffer hypoglycemia, hypotension. These symptoms make be found in localize organs or localized tissue or the whole body.

4.      Conclusion: Autoimmune diseases: what if we feed the organs poorly? The cells of the organs may die at the speed faster than the speed of creating new cells for the organs, we may have degenerative organs. The stressed and hungry immunes cells may see these degenerative organs and ill tissues as the pathogens. If we do not make the ill organs recover, we may have autoimmune diseases.

Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

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