Clapping on the back and chest 30 minutes a time can treat cough, chronic cough, cough with phlegm and difficult breathing and reduce the fever which is the symptoms of Covid-19.

 Clapping on the back and chest 30 minutes a time can treat cough, chronic cough, cough with phlegm and difficult breathing and reduce the fever which is the symptoms of Covid-19.

Van Duy Dao

The author, trainer, healer, Awaken You Wonderful We, Vietnam


The trigger points can prevent the blood circulation in the organs and between organs, over time it can make the body have the illness, especially the Covid-19 patients. During practicing, Clapping on the back and chest, I have treated many problems of the lungs like coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing and I think that we can apply on treatment. Best of all, Clapping can be applied by the patients and caregivers, which can help quick recover and prevent the severe complications.


Right clapping will be a way to treat many symptoms and complications of Covid-19 diseases. Most of people can try these simple techniques, not only it is not harmful, but also it is safe and can boost the lungs, boost the immune system, reduce the chronic illnesses to make people have more health to cope with coronavirus.

Keywords: clapping on the back, Covid-19 symptoms, Covid-19 complication, cough, fever, chest pain, Airway Clearance Therapy, Airway obstruction.

The writing:

During practicing, clapping of the back has stopped the fever after 30 minutes of doing it. The more I did it, the better the patients felt. Patients with chest pain felt better after 10 minutes of self-clapping. [15], [16], [17]

Dry cough and cough with mucus are the conditioned responses of the lungs and airway that expel the poisons in the lungs, increase the blood flow to the lungs. The main cause of the condition for cough is the lungs are not in good health, or the airway is polluted, obstructs airway or lots of antigens. Phlegm is the product of the lungs to destroy poisons, bacterial, and viruses. The phlegm should be expelled to prevent damage to the lungs and airway.  Many lung diseases have symptoms of chest pain, cough, chronic cough, difficult breathing, shortness of breath, exhausted, these may indicate that the lungs and airway may be obstructed or work below the normal function. Airway clean therapy helps the lungs and airway a lot because it does not only help all the lungs and airway clear obstructs, it also helps muscle, vessel, and tissues in the back vibrate which increate blood flow, lymphocytes to the lungs to repair and destroy viruses and bacterias. Clearing phlegm and clearing obstructed airways in the lungs is vital to manage chronic lungs diseases. The easiest way of clearing the obstructed airway is by clapping or punching on the back and the chest, which is familiar to the people who care for patients with asthma or other lungs diseases. . Excessive airway obstructions can lead to the vicious cycle of bronchiectasis and lungs failure. [4], [5], [7], [11]

Chest Physical Therapy and Postural drainage simply understand as clapping on the chest and on the back to the right degree that does not create pain or much irritation. Patients with lungs diseases should be applied chest physical therapy as long as possible. Especially when they have lots of cough and mucus, chest pain, and difficult breathing. The author had instructed many caregivers to clap on the back and chest of Covid-19 patients, or the patients have asthma, or bronchitis, pneumonitis, just after 10 minutes, the patients feel big relief in the lungs, chest, and airway and much of air in the breath. Clearing the airways by clapping is key to prevent the lungs from difficult breathing, keeping the lungs healthy, and prevents Covid – 19 complications in the lungs and vessels. In Practicing, this also can reduce the fever, relieve the pain, and stop the recurrence of the fever. Furthermore, the author sees that the patients and caregivers of the patients can do this regularly can stop the flu symptoms, prevent and treat Covid-19 symptoms, Covid – 19 complications. It is so simple, has no side effects, and is so easy to do, but the results can feel immediately after 5 to 10 minutes of practicing. [5], [6],[7], [12], [14], [15]

Coughs are the response of the airway that tell there may be negative changes of the lungs and airway. Any changes in the blood vessel of the lungs can trigger the cough. The fact is some kind of medicine treating high blood pressure which impacts blood vessels have the side effect of coughing. The mechanism is the blood may also interfere with the contraction and expending of the blood vessels in the lungs which trigger the cough. [7], [14], [15]

Finding trigger points or obstructions in the lungs is by clapping or punching on the back and the chest. The feeling of the patients will the degree of obstructions in the lungs and the health of the lungs. Covering the back and chest with a towel then  continues clapping comfortably for 20 to 30 minutes each time can help to remove trigger points in the lungs. Physicians always practice clapping the back of patients who have lungs diseases. Before clapping we can use a hairdryer to warm up the back.

The vital role of good blood circulations: blood carries in the nutrition and carries out the poisons, carries in the substances of metabolism and carries out the products of metabolism, the blood also carries the lymphocyte to treat the illness and heal the failure cells. Most of the functions or any changes in the body are described by the metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes. [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [11], [16]

Putting rhymic physical force on the lungs and back can create the vibration of all parts, organs, cells in the chest and lungs which can mobilize mucus and phlegm to facilitate airway clearing, and maximize the effects of coughing. Clapping also facilitates the blood flow to the areas which help the muscles cells have enough energy to work well in each coughing, this can also prevent muscle tensions, muscles spasm, and muscles pain in the back, neck, and chest. During practice,  the author saw Clapping on the chest and back may produce a cough or bring comfort. In effect of cough, the airway is clearing gradually after each clap and each cough. Early self implementation clapping can reduce morbidity and mortality. Coughing is a reflex of the lungs to expel the poisons and wastes in the lungs, by clapping for a long time, we can help the lungs to clear all the poisons and airway obstructions. When the airway is clear, the cough, chronic cough, chest pain, difficult breathing will stop. [10], [11], [12], [14], [16].

Punching or clapping on the back can remove the trigger points in the lungs so that we can clean the airway and stop the coughing.  Comfortable clapping does not harm the patients but has great effects because it vibrates all inner organs, all the cells, vessels which will facilitate clearing the airways, tubes, and blood vessels that are inside the organs or connecting organs. This will make great results in cheating cough, fever and difficulty breathing, pale skin in the Covid – 19 patients. Patients of all illnesses are advised to have the right nutrition and regular physical exercises to improve the health of all organs in the body. To the lungs diseases, clapping on the back comfortably for a long time can be seen as a great exercise for the lungs to have healthy lungs. Nutrition just gives energy to the cells in the body. The lungs take oxygen to metabolize the nutrition in the cells. The clapping and exercises can mobilize the cells, speed up blood flow, expansion of the vessels, which facilitate the metabolization of the cells. Metabilization in the cells creates the source of energy for all the functions of the cells, organs, and the body to fight diseases.

Self-clapping or self punching on the back: if the patients do it by themselves, they can use hands or rubber hammers to punch/clap on the back or swing the back against the wall. The caregivers can do for them. You may feel like this is similar to postural drainage, no, this may be better. The postural drainage technique makes patients feel lots of roughness on the back but does not make the lungs vibrate much. To prevent roughness on the skin of the back and chest, cover the back and the chest with a small blanket, then clapping on the back and the chest for 20 to 30 minutes. Clapping will make the whole lungs vibrate, this will facilitate clearing the airway which makes patients breathe easier. Clapping regularly for the patients with chronic diseases can be seen as a massage for the lungs to boost the health of the lungs which can help to prevent Covid – 19. During practice, the author saw that after regular practicing, the patients with cardiovascular diseases had the blood pressure and heartbeat reached to the normal level. [5], [7], [10], [12], [14], [15], [16].

The steps to remove the obstructions in the lungs:

1. Covering the back with a small blanket will protect the skin after a long time of clapping, and also make the forces of clapping go deeper into the lungs and the muscle.

2.  Slightly and quickly clap on all the back, and on all the chest, if there are places that the patients feel hurt, breathlessness, pain,  or causing the cough or feel comfortable, these have the airway obstructions and trigger points in the lungs, which can make the lungs’ function impaired.

Continuous punching comfortably to remove the trigger points for about 30 minutes each time. The feeling of the patients during punching/clapping on the back and chest tell us whether or not the trigger points have been removed?

3. Continous doing these 3 to 5 times a day can remove all the forgotten trigger points in the lungs, clearing all the mild airway obstructions.


– Most patients with chronic coughing have been treated after 3 to 5 days.

– 30 minutes clapping can reduce the fever substantially, even it can cut the reoccurrence of the fever.

– Patients with difficult breathing have breath easier after 10 minutes, the more clapping, the better they felt. Some Covid -19 patients have increased the SPO2 during clapping when they have difficulty breathing.

– Clapping helps the lungs expel the phlegm.

– When patients are irritated with fever, pain, clapping on the back and chest make them feel better, reduce irritation, and help to reduce the fever.

– When the patients feel the irritation, they may have an abnormal heartbeat, abnormal blood pressure, and abnormal glycemia, abnormal temperature. These abnormalities may go together. So when the author makes them feel better, clapping gradually and other simple exercises, the number of glycemia, body temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat all back to normal gradually. [4], [5], [6], [8], [12], [13], [14], [15]


Clapping and comfortable punching or in other words, using suitable physical forces on the areas have lots of trigger points that can clean the way. Vibrating the ill organs help the blood circulate well in the organs, the blood will feed the cells in the organs. When many people understand this, we can help to stop the severe complications of Covid – 19. The results after clapping can open the way to treat many illnesses, including treating Covid-19. Furthermore, the techniques can help people self-healing hypertension, rapid heartbeat, diabetes and many other metabolic illnesses.  [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [8], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16].

Citation: Van Duy Dao. “Clapping on the Back and Chest 30 Minutes a Time Can Treat Cough, Chronic Cough, Cough with Phlegm and Difficult Breathing and Reduce the Fever Which is the Symptoms of Covid-19”. Acta Scientific Neurology 4.10 (2021): 57-60. 


1.     Alina Wo., Bartosz W., Gerard D., Celestyna Mila-K., and Andrzej R. (2007, February 16). The effect of whole-body cryostimulation on lysosomal enzyme activity in kayakers during training. Authors. Authors and affiliations. Original Article. First Online: 16 February 2007. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

2.     Catabolism. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

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4.     Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. (n.d). Basics of Postural Drainage and Percussion Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

5.     Deborah Leader, RN (2021, January 13). How to Treat Increased Mucus in the Lungs. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

6.     Enzyme. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

7.     Lynne Eldridge, MD (2021, March 11). The Anatomy of the Bronchi Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

8.     Van D. Dao. (n.d). New view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problems. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

9.     Van D. Dao. (n.d.). AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems: Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system… Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

10. Van D. Dao. (October, 2019). The cause and possible cure for cancer and chronic diseases from applying Papaya leaf juice, baking soda, aspirin, sugar, temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong breathing, exercise, metabolism, and traditional medicine.

11. Van Duy Dao. “The Relation between Smoking, Breathing, Glycemia and the Rate of the Metabolism that Reveals the Effective Way of Controlling Body Weight and Glycemia”. Acta Scientific Neurology 2.9. (2019): 15-20.

12. Van Duy Dao. Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help to prevent and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

13. Van Duy Dao. Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

14. Van Duy Dao. Removing trigger points and balance metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases. International Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.

15. Van Duy Dao. Removing trigger points to treat backache, neck pain, headache, shoulder pain, stiff neck, back pain, lumbar pain and nerve pain, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, cold hands, feet; the weakness. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

16. Volsko, T. Airway Clearance Therapy: Finding the Evidence. Respiratory Care. October 2013.


Van D. Dao,

The author, trainer, healer, Awaken You Wonderful We, Vietnam

Born in 1986, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Bachelor degree of pharmacy, Vietnam.

The address: Linh Dam urban, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Postal code: 100000


Recent Publications

1.      Van D. Dao. (n.d.). AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems: Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system… Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

2.      Van Duy Dao. Removing trigger points and balance metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases. International Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.

3.      Van D. Dao (2018). The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure. Journal of Addiction Research. ISSN 2573-9514

4.      Van Duy Dao (2019). The Cause and Possible Cure for Cancer and Chronic Diseases from Applying, Papaya Leaf Juice, Baking Soda, Aspirin, Sugar, Temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong, Breathing, Exercise, Metabolism, and Traditional Medicine. Trainer, Awaken You Wonderful We, Vietnam – Int J Diabetes Metab Disord. 

A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases

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A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases

A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases,  The simple exercises help to warm the hands, self-reduce the pain and headache in just 10 minutes.

Free eBook Promotion From Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 12:00 AM PDTto Friday, August 14, 2020, 11:59 PM PDTClick to get A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases

Review of the book:  A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases, The simple exercises help to warm the hands, self-reduce the pain and headache in just 10 minutes. Natural techniques that can help to treat: Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold, COPD, Coughing, Difficult breathing, Fever, Flu A , Alzheimer’s diseases, Backache, Dizziness, Eye problems, Headache, Insomnia, Nerve pain, Parkinson, Cancer, Diabetes, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Hypotension, Hemorrhoid, Gastritis

·   Asthma·   Bronchitis·   Cold·   COPD·   Coughing·   Difficult breathing·   Fever·   Flu A·   Alzheimer’s diseases·   Backache·   Dizziness·   Eye problems·   Headache·   Insomnia·   Nerve pain·   Parkinson·   Cancer·   Diabetes·   Fatigue·  Fibromyalgia·  Hypertension·   Hypotension·   Hemorrhoid·   Gastritis

A new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases

1. We will discuss in this book how to self-removing the trigger point and balancing metabolic reactions

The keys to fatigue, backache, headache, leg pain, neurodegenerative diseases, asthma, COPD, flu, fever, flu A, and COVID-19.As a pharmacist and I have using these techniques to help hundreds of patients with these simple techniques, I just want to describe these in the view of science and modern medicine.

2/15 Let’s do the self-diagnosing to see if you have it. Self-checking the health and trigger points 

Self-checking the health and trigger points
It is not good if it is higher or lower than normal. It indicates that there are some forgotten health problems.Checking the blood pressure on both hands several times a day to see if it is normal, low or high
Checking glycemia when you hungry, tired, and after eating, drinking sweet juice to see if it is normal.
Check the state of the important organs in the stomach.Just press the thumb on the stomach of people: right upper stomach (liver), Left upper stomach (gastric), and middle-lower stomach (intestine, ovule or prostate), if it pain, there may be block for fluidity
Forgotten trigger points along the way will make people have abnormal sensations.Quick and slight clap on the shoulder, neck, back, lumbar, head, and forehead to see if there are the sensations of pain, piercing, burning, or comfortable.
Checking blood circulation to the feet, handsCheck the hands, feet to feel if it warm, and scratch on the feet to feel if there are abnormal feelings
Check the blood circulation to the head well or notBend and the neck and the back to see if it feels uncomfortable.Close the eyes than sit down and stand up 10 times to see you have the feeling of dizziness or vertigo.Turning the head to the left and to the right to see if it have uncomfortable
Check the blood circulation to the eyesPressing along the eyebrows to see if there is pain or piercing.
Check the health of the lungsClapping or quick punching on the chest to see if it is pain, piercing or comfortable feelings.
Self-finding any trigger points on the bodyClapping and pressing many points in the body to see if there are abnormal feelings.

Do this before, during, and after practicing self-healing techniques or any other treatment.

For respiratory diseases: Quickly and slightly punch on the back or on the chest under which there are the lungs, if there are places that the patients feel hurt, pain, breathlessness, trigger coughing or feel comfortable these are the trigger points. The trigger points I usually find are on the bottom of the lungs. Continuous punching on the site of trigger points, for about 10 minutes each time. Clapping also removes the stiffness or rigidity of the vessels, cells in the lungs which make the blood circulate well and the white blood cells can reach viruses, bacteria. To know how much the vibration of the vessels and cells in the lungs, just quickly punching on the table, and see the vibrations of dust and objects on the table. If we can punch with a quick rhythm, we can make the lungs vibrate most with the little effort.·    Do COVID-19, coronavirus, flu virus reveals that too many people have forgotten, untreated problems in systemic cardiovascular? Some of its drugs caused Coughing because the lungs contain lots of veins! Test by slightly punching/clapping on the back and the chest.·    2 simple Qigong exercises help self-healingI.          Relaxed deep breathingA simple way to have relaxed deep breathing is:1. Just try to breathe out via mouth or nose gently and slowly and as long as possible, when breathing out, pronounce small voice of OOOO or UUU. By having this small sound, practitioners can have the breathing out longer 2-5 seconds than the breath without small sound. This can make the breath longer, deeper but the practitioners are not tired and do not have to try hard.2. Do not try to breathe in, just breathe in normally. By practicing, the practitioners can have only 6 to 12 breaths in a minute.II. Placing an object on the lower abdomenBefore sleep, place rock or a bottle/tin of water weigh about 0.5kg on the lower abdomen for about 30 minutes, close the eyes, relaxed, and watch the moving of the object, you will easily sleep well. Having a glass of sugar juice or sweet juice if the practitioner is skinny.  This will make the hands warmer, sleep well, and feel healthier.

3/15 Try relaxed deep breathing for 10 minutes

Try relaxed deep breathing for 10 minutes, then check the warmth of the hands and the glycemia, you will see the impacts of breathing via the mouth deeply and slowly; which is quite similar to the smoker inhale cigarettes. I have done this and let the practitioners do it, the hands become warmer and glycemia may rise a little. Mobilizing stored glucose into the bloodstream makes smokers do not feel hungry much, and do not gain weight while the people quit smoke gain weight, and have more the feeling of hungry.

On average, people gain 5kg in the year after they stop smoking. Weight gain is a common concern for people who are thinking about quitting smoking, even smoking consume more energy of the body, but the people who smoke do not have much feeling of hunger compared to when they quitting smoke. People quit smoking consume less energy but they have more feelings of hunger and start to gain weight even they are on the same diet. We do know that the feeling of hunger depends on the level of glucose in the bloodstream. When people have a high level of glucose in the body, they do not have the feeling of hungry or tired. But when they have a low level of glucose in the body, they start to feel hungry and tired. Before meals, if we let kids eat candy instead of vegetables, the kids will eat less because the feeling of hunger reduced.

A new view of real cause and real cure for diseases: The simple exercises help to warm the hands, self-reduce the pain and headache in just 10 minutes. from Van Dao Duy

 4/15 Two simple Qigong exercises help self-healing

  1. Insomnia, headache, dizziness, vertigo, floating, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue.
  2. Cold hand and feet, Raynaud, numbness, and tingling in hands and feet, flatulent, dyspepsia indigestion.
  3. Diabetes, hypertension, hypotension, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and varicose veins.
  4. These also good for:
  5. Asthma, Sinusitis, rhinitis, blocking nose, faceache seasonal allergy, chronic coughing,
  6. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, difficult breathing, COPD, chest pain, Shortness of breath, cough with sputum, and chronic respiratory problems.
  7. Cancer, Organs failure, irritation on the stomach, gastritis, and neurodegenerative Diseases, and Seizures.

5/15 Self-removing the trigger points in the lungs to treat COVID-19, Corona, flu, flu A, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonitis, and COPD

Practical view for self-finding and self-removing the trigger points in the lungs to treat COVID-19, Corona, flu, flu A, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonitis, COPD, chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, tonsillitis, rhinitis.Boost the lungs. to the illness caused by the virus, there is no medicine. But the health of the individuals makes a great difference. There is no medicine for these diseases. But right eating and exercise is the best advice for all. This is an exercise for lungs & removing trigger points.Quickly and slightly punch on the back or on the chest under which there are the lungs, if there are places that the patients feel hurt, pain, breathlessness, causing the coughing or feel comfortable these are the trigger points that can make the lungs ill or pneumonitis. The trigger points I usually find are on the bottom of the lungs. We can remove these trigger points in the lungs by continuous punching on the lungs and the bottom of the lungs, which are the site of trigger points, for about 10 minutes each time. By asking the feeling of the patients and the sound during punching on the back we can know whether or not the trigger points have been removed?You may feel like this is similar to postural drainage. No, this is better. The postural drainage technique makes patients feel lots of roughness on the back but does not make the lungs vibrate much. Punching on the back makes the whole lungs vibrate, this will make patients breathe easier. Do this in the right degree can be seen as a massage for the lungs to boost the health of the lungs. To know how much the vibration of the vessels and cells in the lungs, just quickly punching on the table, and see the vibrations of dust and objects on the table. If we can punch with a quick rhythm, we can make the lungs vibrate most with the little effort. The more we do for patients, the better the patients feel.Clapping removes trigger points in the lungs, removing the stiffness or rigidity of the vessels, cells in the lungs. Make blood circulate well in the lungs which helps the white blood cells to kill bacteria better. When the lungs are clear, it can take more oxygen and make people feel better, and stop the difficult breathings. The health of the lungs also impacts the health of the heart, intestine, liver, kidneys, blood vessels and the billion cells in the body, so removing the forgotten trigger points in the lungs we can make all the body in a good shape. Most people have chronic health problems also have problems in the lungs, just clapping on it, you can test the ideas. This can be applied and tested first for asthma, COPD, difficult breathing, and chronic coughing then using for Covid-19 patientsCough is the body reflex when having some problems or stuck in the airway.Cough is the body reflex when having some problems or stuck in the lungs, the body tries to throw it out by coughing. Punching on the back makes them have great relief. We may call stuck, dust, phlegms, constriction of vessels in the lungs as trigger points. If it is too much of trigger points in the lungs, patients will feel healthier in the chest, and difficult breathing. The cause of death by COVID -19 comes from difficult breathing, which reduces substantially oxygen saturation.Epidemiology of COVID-19, the view that we may forget·    From the epidemiology of COVID-19, most fatal cases have many other chronic health problems like problems in cardiovascular. If they have cardio problems and vascular problems, I see the health of the heart has an impact on the health of the lungs. And the lungs also have lots of veins, tiny veins, which are the basic structure of the lungs – the proof is a kind of drug for high blood pressure treatment has impacts on veins have side effects is coughing. It means that the patients who have cardiovascular diseases also have lung problems. By clapping or punching, we can find it out.·    Do COVID-19, coronavirus, flu virus reveal that too many people have forgotten, untreated problems in systemic cardiovascular? Some of its drugs caused Coughing because the lungs contain lots of veins! Test by slightly punching/clapping on the back and the chest.·    From statistics, how can the young, the healthy men, and the females can self-prevent, self-heal flu caused by Coronavirus.·    Epidemiology of SARS may reveal that it is not the condition of the treatment but the health of the patients or the health of lungs, the systemic vessels decides the results of recovery or complication. Especially living in the polluted environment, people inhale a lot of contaminations that may deposit in the whole lungs and on the bottom of the lungs. By quick and slight punching on the back, we can make the whole lungs, bronchitis and blood vessels in the lungs vibrate with a rhythm.·    We do not have medicine for virus flu but we do know that by boosting the immune system, have good health can prevent and stop the flu. The complication of the 2019-nCov mainly on the lungs. Reading the epidemiology of the SARS, I sees that by making the lungs in good health, we can stop the epidemic of 2019-nCov.·    “Keto flu”, the key for the flu, flu A, 2019 n-Cov, and the most chronic illnesses. Most of the symptoms of the Keto flu can eradicate by a glass of sugar or a bowl of soup. In other words, the cells and organs of people having a Keto diet or Low Carb diet are hungry, it makes the people on the diet have lots of flu-like symptoms. So remember to feed more the patients with nutritious food or sweet juice so that they can have warm hands, and the immune system can fight the virus, the immune system can repair the defects in the lungs and systemic vessels. Glucose is the basic energy for the whole body to have normal functions. Always bear in mind that keep level of glycemia at the level of 6.0 ml/dl when hungry.·    Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body.·    From statistics, the same condition of treatment, how can the young, the healthy men, and the females can self-prevent, self-heal flu caused by Coronavirus. Not yet medicine cure viruses, asthma, COPD, Chronic bronchitis, difficult breathing, but the health of the patients makes a great difference. Most death cases had other diseases.·    The forgotten health problems: Covid-19 mortality rate, profoundly disturbing. It is not by the virus, but it may reveal the weakness of the modern medical system. It does not heal people, it just makes them feel temporary relief. It creates terms like chronic illness and asks them to take medication for blood pressure, glycemia, itchy, pain, irritation for years, decades, or lifetime. Many patients of chronic diseases have to take 4 – 5 pills for diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and impotent at the same time.·    They may wrong, they may create its own conflict, paradoxes in even one branch of medicine. Worst of all, they are come from the wrong belief on lifestyle, on the heath. When having problems with lipidemia, glycemia, blood pressure, nutrition in blood, they all taught to think of medication. Poor physical lifestyle caused a lot of health problems in developed countries, just google or Wikipedia. This is a fact.·    Many religious leaders infected and dying, even the high position in their religions, they even die when they are praying. It makes me doubt God. Just a kind of belief and power of belief. If Darwin was right, then we have roots from animals, we do not need too much clean and isolating lifestyle. Look at the lives of 2300 years ago, 2000 years ago, 1400 years ago, 1000 years ago, 400 years ago, 100 years ago, if based on the modern standard of hygiene, the modern theory of diseases, theory in eating, drinking, all these people of these time should be dead because of a lot of diseases. So praying just have a little bit benefit.·    We may forget that the condition of living can have an impact on overall health and the immune system. I can only describe the paradoxes of living, paradoxes of David and Goliath, the advantages and disadvantages of having, pr of richness, of leisure/lazy lifestyle. Modern men may lazy caused they have too much and not think much of right giving, right taking. They may have a shallow view on physical and material life, tangible and intangible life, of giving or taking are the two faces of a coin/act/phenomenon.
6. Steps to help treat flu, flu A, COVID-19, cold, difficult breathing, coughing, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonitis, chest pain and flu complications.These steps together can help to boost the lungs and other illnesses so that the respiratory diseases recovered faster and do not create any complicationsA. Eat and drink first to warm up the bodyThe heat comes from metabolic reactions. To the weak, skinny, or chronically ill people, they need to take a lot of sugar juice to supply enough glucose for the cells. During practice, there are some learners who had chronic illnesses taken nearly 400 mg of sugar to have enough glucose for the cells. The glycemia should be maintained ranged from 6.0 mmol/l to 8 mmol/l.B. Lie down and place an object on the lower abdomen, this will make the blood circulate well to the whole bodyLie down and place an object weigh about 1 kg to 2 kg on the lower abdomen. The object I usually uses was the bottle of water, a rock, a brick, or a handy bag. Place from 10 minutes to 30 minutes until they have warm hands and warm feet. During practice, I usually saw that the hand will warm first, then the stomach, and the foot.1. If the hands and the foot warm, then do the third step2. If the hands warm and the foot is not warm, these people can take more sugar juice then continue to lie down and put an object on the lower abdomen.3. If the hands and the foot is not warm, even worse, the hand become colder and have cold sweating, stop immediately to start the first step to eat more and drink more sugar juiceThere are a lot of soft tissues, soft organs and large vessels in the lower stomach so changing the vibration or movement of the lower stomach can make a great impact on blood circulation. This is the reason why deep breathing and abdominal breathing in yoga or qigong have many benefits on health.C. Removing the trigger points in the lungsWe can use hands or rubber hammer to punch or clap on the back or on the chest. Cover the hand by gloves or cover the back by a towel to avoid redness on the back skins. Ask patients to sit up or lie down, then we clapping, or punching on the back and on the chest. Right punching/clapping makes patients feel better, calmer, and do not make them pain or the skin become red.1.       Quickly and slightly punch on the back or on the chest under which there are the lungs, if there are places that the patients feel hurt, pain, breathlessness, trigger coughing or feel comfortable these are the trigger points that can make the lungs ill or pneumonitis. The trigger points I usually find are on the bottom of the lungs. We can remove these trigger points in the lungs by continuous punching on the lungs and the bottom of the lungs, which are the site of trigger points, for about 10 minutes each time. By asking the feeling of the patients and the sound during punching on the back we can know whether or not the trigger points have been removed?2.       Continous doing these several days can remove all the forgotten trigger points in the lungs. After trigger points removed, clapping on the back just creates the normal feeling, no more the feeling hurt, pain, breathlessness or trigger coughing.During the time of practicing, I always find these trigger points in the lungs of the practitioners even they are healthy by quick and slight punching on the back, and I make them feel better and healthier by continuous punching. The video in this writing also illustrates the way that I usually do.

The health of the lungs also impacts the health of the heart, intestine, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, and the billion cells in the body, so removing the forgotten trigger points in the lungs we can make all the body in a good shape. By doing so, we can simply cure a chronic cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonitis, COPD, chest pain, difficulty breathing, tonsillitis, and rhinitis.D. Clapping on trigger points on the whole body until having the sensation of roughness.Clap on the muscle of the back, the shoulder, the neck, the nape, and the head.When the practitioners have warm hand and/or foot, start to clap on the muscle on the back, the muscle on the lumber, the muscle on the neck, the muscle on the nape, and the muscle on the head; these are the areas that have many trigger points. Clapping on trigger points, people only feel numbness, continue clapping on it until people have the sensation of roughness or burning. The trigger points will be removed when people have the sensation of roughness or burning. Clap on those areas until all have a sensation of roughness.7. Aims that therapies should aimAlways bear in mind that the exercises, right eating, drinking sugar juices and rhythmic pressing and suitable punching are to removing the trigger points and make the body in the good state which is shown in the hands and feet are warm.1. The aim of self-healing is to have hand and feet warm and keep hands warm, soft, and a little moisture.2. Keep glycemia at least 6.0 mmol/l when hungry.

8/15 Finding, removing the trigger points, and balancing metabolism are the keys to help to treat chronic insomnia, dizziness, hypotension, hypertension, nerve pain, chronic illness, eye diseases, vestibular disorder, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, flu,  fatigue, backache, hemorrhoid, constipation,  headache, leg pain, neurodegenerative diseases, asthma, COPD, flu, fever, flu A, and COVID-19.

F. Removing trigger points in the stomach by pulling the knee to the chest and blow the air deeply and slowly

 Lie on the floor, place the hand to pull the knee to the chest, during the pulling, blow out slowly and deeply when stopping the breath, loosen the hands for a while then move straight the foot to the floor, when moving the foot, just breath in quickly via the mouth, then repeat with another foot, do this for 5 to 10 minutes. If practitioners feeling tired too soon, try to pronounce small long Ooooo sound when blowing out the air.This exercise help to treat the problems of the organs in the abdominal.Self-checking before and after doing this by pressing the thumb on the stomach of people: right upper stomach (liver), Left upper stomach (gastric), and middle-lower stomach (intestine, ovule or prostate), if it pain, there may be block for fluidity. This will reduce the trigger points in the stomach.

G For varicose veins

Slightly tie the feet by rubber string or elastic crepe then walk on a single step or up the stair for 3 – 10 minutes each time.Slightly rolls the elastic crepe around the calves, tighten a little more around gastrocnemius muscle because of this muscle have a lot of arteries: it will have a strong impact on the arteries and blood circulation when we walk the step. This help activate the blood circulation by making regular press on the veins in the legs while walking on the stair.This also helps to make the blood pressure back to normal, reduce glycemia and boost blood circulation of the whole body.

H. For Insomnia

It is better to remove all trigger points, before sleep Place and object or a bottle/tin of water weight about 0.5kg on the lower abdomen from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, close the eyes, relaxed and watching the moving of the object, you will easily sleep well.I. For eyes problems:Self-checking before and after doing this by and pressing around the eyebrows to see whether or not there is piercing or pain, if yes, there are the trigger points along the vessels that feed the eyes.When the hands are warm, and all the trigger points on the head removed, just clapping all the eyebrows until you feel the sensation of roughness, your eyes will become brighter.

J. For hemorrhoid and constipationKnit the anus 30 to 60 times a minute, do this for 10 minutes. This will make the anus’ muscles and the veins in the anus become stronger which help heal hemorrhoid and constipation.

K. Loading energy, boosting blood circulation for five important organs.Places 2 plates together on the floor. Stand with your feet slightly broader than shoulder-width, then twist the feet to make the toes move closer together, the toes make a V shape. Then bend the knees to make the 2 knees against each other, lower the body part, still keep the back upright, Stretch the arms in front keeping the fingers together then the palms up.        Stand like this for 5 to 10 minutes to make the body and the back warm or sweating. In twisting the feet, all muscles are much stretcher than not twisting the feet. This boosts the blood circulation very well, stretching all the muscles very much so that the body will have sweating in just 5 or 10 minutes.This exercise also used to test the health of the muscles of the legs, knees, and hips. If the blood circulation is not well, the practitioners may not stand in 2 minutes.

L. Boost the blood circulation and soften all muscles in hand, neck and shoulder.Losen all the muscle of the hands, flap or swing the hands and fast as possible, for 10 minutes.   We can clap on the back of other people, or on the table, chair, in the air, or on trees.When loosening the muscle and flapping the hands, the blood will circulate well, the muscle will be softened, and well-fed.Do this can make the body warm and have sweating, it has a great impact on making ill people stop the fever, reduce the pain and irritation. To the weak people who can not do the other exercise to warm up, the body should do this exercise.

M. For nausea and vomitingTry each or both of these exercises which can help soothe the irritation or forced to vomit the residues in the stomach.·         Pulling the knee to the chest and blow the air deeply and slowly for 10 minutes.·         Clapping on the skin of the front neck until there is a feeling of roughness.

9/15 Forget medicines, forget modern techniques if cutting the energy source for the cells

What is oxygen in the blood circulation? When we talk about the vital role of oxygen, we forget that the vital role of oxygen is to interact with glucose in the cells catalyzed by many enzymes to generate energy. The main source to generate energy in cells is from glucose, enough glucose is as vital as enough oxygen.A. Cells with metabolic reactions are the basic structure of all tissues and organs

Table: Catabolic reactions

Substrate + Oxy + Enzyme = Product + H2O + Energy (ATP/heat) + Enzyme

These are the factors that I withdraw from inorganic reactions, organic reactions, and intercellular metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes.

Table: The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body

The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body: the cell, the reactions, the environment, and the whole body.
Factor 1: Concentration of Enzyme
Factor 2: Concentration of Substrate from digested foods
Factor 3: Concentration of Oxy
Factor 4: Concentration of products
Factor 5: Mobility of blood circulation or the mobility of fluid in the cells and around the tissues.
Factor 6: The state of the solution: homogeneous or inhomogeneous
Factor 7: Temperature: When two reactants are in the same fluid phase, their particles collide to have a reaction. If the reactants are uniformly dispersed in a single homogeneous, then the number of collisions per unit time depends on concentration and temperature.
Factor 8: PH of the environment.
Factor 9: Effect of Activators or cofactors. Some of the enzymes require certain inorganic metallic cations, like Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, K+, etc., for their optimum activity.
Factor 10: Some of the properties in this category are the state of matter, molecular size, bond type, and bond strength.- State of Matter- Bond Type- Bond Strength- Number of Bonds/Molecular Size

10/15 Hypoglycemia and hypothermia

Glycemia and temperature of specific tissues is crucial for the functions of the tissues, in practice, traditional therapist always feel the cold or low temperature in the pain legs, pain arm, or irritational stomach. It is the signs that abnormal areas temperature links to physical pain. If they check the blood glucose in the finger of the healthy hand and the finger of the tingling hand, they can see that there is a variation of these two numbers. These numbers are not the same even we do at the same time and to the same people. It is because of localized knots can prevent blood circulation.When the body’s ability to thermoregulate becomes hindered and is left untreated, organ failure is imminent. Blood flow will be reduced, leading to ischemia, and, ultimately, multiple organ failures. 

Table: The signs and the effects of hypoglycemia

The signs and the effects of hypoglycemia
Sympathetic nervous systemCentral nervous system
Produced by the counterregulatory hormonesAbnormal thinking, impaired judgmentDifficulty speaking, slurred speech
Shakiness, anxiety, nervousnessNonspecific dysphoria, moodiness, depression, crying, exaggerated concernsAtaxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for drunkenness
Palpitations, tachycardiaFeeling of numbness, pins and needles (paresthesia)Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
SweatingNegativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rageHeadache
Pallor, coldness, clamminessPersonality change, emotional labilityStupor, coma, abnormal breathing
Dilated pupils (mydriasis)Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleepGeneralized or focal seizures
Hunger, borborygmus Confusion, memory loss, lightheadedness or dizziness, deliriumAbnormal thinking, impaired judgment
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfortStaring, glassy look, blurred vision, double visionNonspecific dysphoria, moodiness, depression, crying, exaggerated concerns
 HeadacheFlashes of light in the field of vision Feeling of numbness, pins, and needles (paresthesia)
Shakiness, dysphoria. Significant hypoglycemia appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseaseAutomatic behavior, also known as automatismNegativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage

Hypoglycemic symptoms can also occur when one is sleeping. Examples of symptoms during sleep can include damp bed sheets or clothes from perspiration. Having nightmares or the act of crying out can be a sign of hypoglycemia. Once the individual is awake they may feel tired, irritable, or confused and these may be signs of hypoglycemia as well. What if localized hypoglycemia, localized hypotension appears in the brain, and other tissues of the body for years or even the decades? I did record glycemia, temperature, and stiffness of the pain, numbness areas, the recorded results are much different from the normal areas of the same body. And when practitioners take sugar juice with suitable exercise, I did see when the localized glycemia, localized temperature back to normal, most of the pain and numbness disappeared.Long-term effects of hypoglycemia may lead to permanent brain damage. The longterm effects of diabetes show the results that cells, organs, and tissues are under severe degeneration for years. It has been frequently found that those type 1 diabetics found “dead in bed” in the morning after suspected severe hypoglycemia had some underlying coronary pathology that led to an induced fatal heart attack. 

11/15 Hypothermia

Hypoglycemia is also found in many people with hypothermia, as hypothermia, may be a result of hypoglycemia. The distribution of temperature in the body will lead us to know where the cells may suffer hypoglycemia and low temperature. The level of sugar in the blood is like the level of supplying energy for the billions of cells and organs function normally. Body temperature is also maintained by the function of the body cells. The whole body is a big biologic machine that all of the activities of the cells in the body are belong to the energy supplied by the reaction that control by enzymes and these enzymes are very sensitive to the changing of the temperature.

Table: The signs and the effects of hypothermia

The signs and the effects of hypothermia
With sympathetic nervous system excitation.Mental status changes such as amnesia.Cold
ShiveringConfusionNo shivering
High blood pressureSlurred speechHallucinations
Fast heart rateDecreased reflexesInflamed skin
Fast respiratory rateLoss of fine motor skills.Pulmonary edema
Contraction of blood vesselsMental status changes such as amnesiaLack of reflexes
 Increased urine production due to coldFixed dilated pupils
Mental confusionLow blood pressure
Liver dysfunction may also be presentPhysiological systems falter and heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure all decrease.
Pulse and respiration rates decrease
Fast heart rates: ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation

The circulatory or the vascular system is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, glucose and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and pH, and maintain homeostasis.The blood pressure is influenced by cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, and arterial stiffness and varies depending on the situation, emotional state, activity, and relative health/disease states. In the short term, blood pressure is regulated by baroreceptors which act via the brain to influence the nervous and endocrine systems. The main purpose is to give the cells enough energy to function well which varies depending on the site, situation, emotional state, activity, and relative health/disease statesBlood pressure that is too low is called hypotension, and pressure that is consistently high is hypertension. In practice, I recorded: healthy people only have the feeling of dizziness or vertigo when they have hypotension or hypoglycemia.

12/15 Let the body to remove trigger points and balance metabolic reactions

Self-healing with right eating, right drinking sugar juice, and doing some of the exercises that can put the body in a good state, the body can self-heal the defects and self-remove trigger points magically. To put the body in a good state, we need to pay attention to the organs in the chest and abdomen which regulate most of the ingredients in the bloodstream.The stomach, a place where digestion, absorption, and elimination has taken place, should be in a good state.- In Vietnam, we are told to put a small blanket across the stomach of the kids during the sleep to make them sleep well and not ill.- In traditional, when people have cold stomach pain, we are told to rub the topical hot medical ointments, drink sweet ginger juice, or massage the stomach.- About laughing: why laughing has good effects on health? Happiness and moving all organs in the stomach. It is like to make all the organs in the stomach upsidedown. If we make the fake laugh, we do not get the result as the real laugh. If we just feel joy but not laughing, we do not get a good impact on health as a real laugh.· These facts and the experience make I think of the vital role of blood circulation in health and chronic illness. Poor blood circulation may come from the blocking points in the vessels or from low blood pressure or low blood glucose. In the body, all the billions of cells of all body systems need the energy to have normal functions; which is mainly generated from metabolizing glucose. When the cells hunger for glucose, it can start to use structure stored glucose or stored lipids or polysaccharides or structure lipid or structure protein. To take stored glucose, the body needs good blood circulation and right body temperature. The people with chronic illness often have hormonal imbalanced – which need glucose as the main source of energy also, and poor blood circulation and disorder of thermoregulation. If we do not stop these disorders, these people may have metabolic disorders or metabolic diseases. The main energy source for the cells is from the catabolism of glucose. So any problem for glycemia and oxygen saturation will make the billions of cells of the body are out of balance.A metabolic disorder can generate free oxygen and free radicals. On the other hand, the immune system is not in a good state because of the hunger for energy may fail in repairing the damage caused by metabolic disorders.In traditional medicine, the pain mainly caused by trigger points, so all alternative therapies like acupressure, dry needle, massage aim to remove trigger points. In the metabolic view, I saw that the trigger points mainly in the muscle which presses the surrounding vessels of blood circulation. The signs of trigger point are pain, numbness, cold, or rigid. Poor blood circulation may make the target cells and target organs hunger for the glucose and poison by the metabolic wastes which are not carried out well by the poor blood circulation.Glycemia, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure are mainly control by heart, vessels, liver, pancreatic, intestine, lungs, and kidneys. Any problems that happen to the heart, vessels, liver, pancreatic, intestine, lungs, or kidneys will make the whole body have the various problems described by syndromes or metabolic diseases. Only oxygen can not create energy, the body does not have stored oxygen we do need breath continuously. To have a good metabolism, the blood needs to supply glucose or substrates for the cells at the optimum levels. Supplying substrate for metabolic reactions depend on the blood circulation to carried stored glucose and stored lipid in the abdominal area.Citation: Van Duy DaoA new view of real cause and  real cure for diseases: The simple exercises help to warm the hands, self-reduce the pain and headache in just 10 minutes. Natural techniques that can help to treat: Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold, COPD, Coughing, Difficult breathing, Fever, Flu A, Alzheimer’s diseases, Backache, Dizziness, Eye problems, Headache, Insomnia, Nerve pain, Parkinson , Cancer, Diabetes, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Hypotension, Hemorrhoid, Gastritis.

 A new philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, the ego can prevent and save mental illness and create outliers.

 A new view of real cause and real cure for diseases: The simple exercises help to warm the hands, self-reduce the pain and headache in just 10 minutes. Natural techniques that can help to treat: Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold, COPD, Coughing, Difficult breathing, Fever, Flu A, Alzheimer’s diseases, Backache, Dizziness, Eye problems, Headache, Insomnia, Nerve pain, Parkinson, Cancer, Diabetes, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Hypotension, and Hemorrhoid
 Ability, ADHD, Autism, body, conditioned reflexes, Conditioned Responses, connection, depression, early signs of stress, enviroment, heart diseases, lifelong learing, love, needs, real cause, stress,
 All about self-healing, self-treating chronic diseases, Meditation, alternative therapies, NLP, removing trigger points, self relieving pain
 Ấn bụng dưới thụ động: khu có huyệt khí hải, đan điền giúp đạt được cả lợi ích của khí công, thiền, và tĩnh tâm mọi lúc, mọi nơi
 Applying the teaching of Lao Tzu
 Applying Vietnamese Qi gong to Remove trigger point and balance metabolic reactions, the key for fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, Vestibular disorder, and Neurodegenerative Diseases.
 Are autism, depression, ADHD, talented, mastery, poor learning, stress, seizures, drugs, violence, PTSD born or created?
 Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness and other problems learnt from the conversations of the Old
 Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression and Suicide Part 4
 Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide Part 1
 AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE ebook is free From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019
 Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems

  Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful we
  Cửa chữa, tự chữa dễ khi hiểu bên ngoài thế nào, trong vậy, trên sao dưới vậy và vạn bệnh chỉ dao động quanh Thông Tắc. Sự dao động của thông, hẹp, tắc mô tả qua mô tả của 7 triệu chứng.
  Đai suy tĩnh mạch Yvi, đai thun bó bắp chân Yvi, đai bó chân cho suy tĩnh mạch, lạnh tay chân, hàn, thấp, rối loạn khí huyết.
  Danh sách video, bài tập, bài tác động vỗ, rung, tập, ăn, uống thở và tương tác giúp tự phòng và chữa bệnh mãn tính, nan y: tự kỷ, tăng động, đau đầu, mất ngủ, đau lưng, tiền đình, huyết áp cao, huyết áp thấp, gầy mãn tính, suy nhược, ho, hen, khó thở, dạ dày, đại tràng, viêm gan, viêm đường hô hấp, xoang, bệnh tự miễn và các bệnh mãn tính
  Đạo Tự Nhiên, Đại Đạo, con đường của sức mạnh, đức hạnh hay Đạo Đức Kinh của Lão Tử phần II chương 62 đến 81
  Đạo Tự Nhiên, Đại Đạo, đấng sáng tạo, đức hạnh hay Đạo Đức Kinh của Lão Tử phần I chương 1 đến 61
  Dễ tính và khó tính: bạn thuộc nhóm nào?
  Đối cảnh vô tâm và vạn pháp tùy duyên
  Đội mưa, tắm nắng, phơi sương, hưởng gió trà, cảm không khí se lạnh của mùa thu, đông. Ai mệt, đau, nên tập biết ơn thời tiết nhắc nhở sức khỏe, biết thứ quan trong là gì, và hiện trang nó ra sao

  Dự đoán chỉ số đường huyết, tự điều chỉnh qua cảm giác ở bàn tay khi cơ thể không bị rối loạn đường máu
  Đừng chỉ chăm chăm giảm nạp, mà hãy tăng khơi thông dòng chảy để khỏi bệnh mãn tính, nan y, Thông thì cơ thể tự cân bằng. Có thể khỏi hẳn Gout, tiểu đường, cao huyết áp, huyết áp thấp, mỡ máu vì lý do sau.
  Ebook: AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of the one – page table reveals the real causes of most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, and social problems: -Talent – Outliers – Belief system – Natural learning – Autism – ADHD – Stress – Meditation – Depression – Fibromyalgia – Pain management – Natural healing- Self-healing – Metabolic disorders, and Autoimmune diseases.
  Emotion Come From HEAD, not HEART – Cảm Xúc đến từ TIM: SAI
  EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART – This is the key to understand GUT FEELING and prevent Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide.
  ENLIGHTENMENT or AWAKENING: A high state of mind
  F0 và F1 lưu ý bài thông phổi, thông kinh lạc, tăng SpO2 mà ai cũng làm được giúp mình và người xung quanh – tham khảo, thử, lưu ý và chia sẻ sẽ có người cần.
  Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help preventing and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A

  Free thiền và khí công trong phòng, chữa bệnh và giúp tăng cường sức khỏe.
  From the definition, will kids recover from autism if they have full communication skiills, emotional skills, and social skills. – Từ định nghĩa tự kỷ: Có kỹ năng là khỏi rồi đó và Nguyên nhân gì gây thiếu kỹ năng?
  Giải pháp đơn giản cho covid mà ai ai cũng có thể học, làm được giúp tự cứu mình và người xung quanh, kết quả đáng ngạc nhiên hay hơn lương y, bác sĩ.
  Góc nhìn khác về độc tố, detox, thải độc và ung thư, ăn uống và minh triết trong ăn uống
  Hậu F0: phòng tai biến, đột quỵ, suy kiệt, tái phát bệnh cũ, cho Rụng tóc, đa rối loạn và ĐÓI ĐÓI ĐÓI -Trải nghiệm của F0 đã khỏi: đói cồn cào, đói dã họng, ăn như ma đói và tóc rụng. NGUYÊN NHÂN VÀ CƠ CHẾ BỆNH
  Hiểu cách thì tự khỏe, tự khỏi đau mỏi, tê, nhức, buồn bực, cấp tính và mãn tính, đau thần kinh, nội tiết từ đó gợi mở hướng khỏi cho các vấn đề nan y, mãn tính – vấn đề mà đa số chuyên gia có thể chuẩn đoán nhanh nhưng chữa cả đời
  Hiểu đúng cốt của đạo Lão, Phật và nghịch lý Socrate: “Trong thế nào, ngoài thế ấy, Bố nào con nấy, Cho gì nhận lấy.”
  Hiểu khác về dịch cân tẩy tủy kinh trong tự phòng, chữa bệnh nan y, mãn tính, gầy yếu, suy nhược.
  Hiệu quả tự chữa bệnh không dùng thuốc thực tế: tổng hợp ăn, uống, vận động, vỗ, rung, ấn, ép và tự tập giúp tự phòng và chữa bệnh.
  Hiểu về nguyên nhân, giải pháp và cơ chế của tự kỷ chỉ với những câu hỏi cốt yếu bị lãng quên
  Hỗ trợ tự chữa hiệu quả viêm xoang, ho mạn tính, cúm, cúm A, cúm, coronavirus, Covid-19, viêm mũi mạn tính, ngạt mũi, đau tức quanh mắt, ù tai, dị ứng thời tiết, viêm phế quản, khó thở, mắt nhìn mờ, quáng gà, cận thị, ho lao và các vấn đề hô hấp mãn tính, cao huyết áp, rối loạn chuyển hóa,
  Hỗ trợ tự chữa khỏi bệnh mãn tính, nan y: tim mạch, tiểu đường, mỡ máu, suy tạng, gout, lupus, xơ cứng bì, rối loạn chuyển hóa, bệnh tự miễn – tự chữa bệnh không dùng thuốc
  Hỗ trợ tự phòng và chữa Sốt, Ho, Khó thở, bệnh nền. Tự Phòng và chữa covid cho dân và người bị Fo nên biết, và cách phục hồi sau Covid

  Học là chơi, chơi là học, bố mẹ cần biết để tránh sai lầm không đáng có
  Học tiếng anh, kỹ năng bằng làm chủ con số qua kênh – Study English, it is the number games part 1/4
  Học tiếng anh, kỹ năng bằng làm chủ con số qua kênh – Study English, it is the number games part 2/4
  How did Hitler seduce the mind of millions people and soldiers?
  Hướng dẫn tự khám, tự chữa bệnh không dùng thuốc, Góc nhìn mới về nguyên nhân chính và giải pháp hiệu quả cho bệnh tật.
  Huyết áp cao cộng với rối loạn tiền đình thì sao, chữa thế nào?
  Huyết áp thấp – thiếu máu – đường huyết thấp. Kẻ giết người thầm lặng, tây y ko có cách chữa, bỏ quên và có thể vô tình tiếp tay.

  Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena
  In Pictures of Four Factors that Determine Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Autoimmune Diseases, All Human Health, illnesses, and Problems.
  Is there any relation among autism, ADHD, poor learning, stress, depression & mental health? Some by genes, some are not by genes but they are comorbid!
  Khái niệm về thành công
  Khi có thể chữa, tự khỏe mọi lúc, mọi nơi, với mọi thứ thì cần người đẹp, có tâm làm mẫu chia sẻ, lan tỏa cho cộng đồng. – Ds Van
  Khí huyết – chìa khóa giúp Tự phòng và chữa bệnh mãn tính do yếu khí huyết: trí nhớ kém, sinh lý yếu, lạnh chân tay, huyết áp thấp, ho, cúm, viêm phổi, viêm phế quản mãn, chóng mặt, hoa mắt, đau đầu, ù tai, suy giảm sức khỏe
  Kiểm soát cảm xúc trong lúc tức giận
  Kiến thức, ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng và thái độ trong công việc, học tập và dạy con
  Kỹ thuật vỗ lưng, ngực tạo rung phổi, giúp thông phổi trị phòng khó thở, nặng ngực, ho đờm, mệt, hụt hơi, tức ngực. Hữu ích trong tự điều trị Covid-19, viêm họng, viêm họng hạt, viêm phế quản mãn, ho mãn, hen
  Làm chủ Đa cấp, làm chủ dẫn dụ với câu hỏi tử huyệt
  Life is not paradoxical, life is art. Life is not calculated by autistic robot, life is must felt and created
  Lifelong learning from: Looking, Watching and Contemplating
  Love is verb, right understanding is unconditional love, how to get the right understanding?
  Lựa  thuốc bổ và thực phẩm chức năng trong phòng và chữa bệnh
  Lý do tuyệt vời để đọc sách
  Lý do và cơ chế giúp phòng và chữa tự kỷ thông qua phòng và chữa chậm nói

  Lý do, cách để 25 ngày vùng dịch, sống như bình thường, chăm, chữa trực tiếp cho F0 và cả nhà F0, và cái kết thì full khỏe, test luôn âm tính.
  Lý giải một phần về những xung đột trong cuộc sống.
  Lý giải nguyên nhân và gợi ý liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Chậm Nói và Quấy Phá ở trẻ và các vấn đề: mất ngủ, suy nhược, đau và các bệnh mãn tính ở người lớn
  Mọi bệnh do tắc mà ra. Tắc sắc thái khác nhau gây các dấu hiệu lệch chuẩn khác nhau, lâu dài gây đa bệnh từ gốc tắc
  Most Helpful chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We.
  Must know about autism, delayed speech: the key to prevent and cure autism.
  New view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problems
  Ngẫm vui vui ngẫm 1/2019: nguyên nhân, cơ chế và giải pháp cho tự kỷ, chậm nói, các vấ đề sức khỏe, và sự phát triển tâm sinh lý
  Nguyên lý âm dương, hàn nhiệt trong mô tả thể bệnh, triệu chứng do thông hay tắc bên trong từ đó giúp cho tự chữa bệnh không cần thuốc, chữa bệnh theo lối tự nhiên.
  Nguyên lý cơ bản chữa giúp tự chữa các bệnh nan y, mãn tính: đau, mỏi, yếu, suy nhược mãn tính, u vai gáy, đau đầu, hoa mắt, yếu chân, mất ngủ, tiền đình, đau nửa đầu, nặng đầu, cảm cúm…
  Nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho ung thư từ thực tế về di căn, tái và kháng thuốc và hiệu quả của các liệu pháp kết hợp, hỗ trợ, thay thế và tự thải độc
  Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.

  Nhịp tim cao, nhịp tim thấp báo cơ thể có vấn đề, dù đó là vận động viên, thiền sư, võ sư, người ăn thực dưỡng
  Nhu cầu, cảm xúc, hành vi, nói lên ta là ai, là gì
  On health: autism, ADHD, Depression and happiness.
  People are the same, but they coded differently
  Phản hồi, thực tế, tư liệu Tự Chữa Bệnh Không Dùng Thuốc cho Ho mãn, hen mãn, xoang, Covid-19, F0 nặng, tức ngực, nhịp tim cao, huyết áp

15/15 Real practicing:



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