The hidden realtion between Autism, ADHD, Depression, Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes and Suicide


Is there any unknown hidden relation?WHY and HOW to prevent. We may regret if you do not know these answers.A stress moment can kill a student.A stress moment can kill a bankerA stress moment can kill a CEOA stress moment can kill a politicianThey are strong but the severe stress moment can have affected all their life. It embedded in their brain, cell, the organ that we do not consciously know but the subconscious mind know that moment: smell, sound, noise, invisible signal then create the conditioned responses to it.You seeSoldiers in Vietnam wars ended 1975 are still under stress with any mild similar unwanted triggers.It is there even we consciously know it or not: conditioned response or hysterical conditioned responses.How about a fragile kid who is forming the brain in stress.Most of all are calm them down by 1. Unconditional love; 2. Connection: people, animal, nature, parents; 3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have 4. Ability to deal with facts of life – the fact that some people may think is a big threat, problems, or danger, for example, ” being sad NO, some kid may anger and stress to rebel.Simple breathing meditation helps children better than medication in ADHD and Autism. Father said: the day autistic child happy he will less overreact than a stressful day.Really good with meditation. It calms the mind, bring the mind to the body. Live in mindfulness by simple breath. Daniel Goleman the author of Emotional intelligence has told the story of applying simple breathing meditation in elementary school in chaos areas. It works.When you nervous, anxiety, people usually advise you to calm down and breath slowly, deeply.How to start:Observe the body when breathing in and out. Or stick a small object on the lower abdomen near then let the kid breath in and breath out with observing the moving.This kind of breath brings the mind of kid back to present. The kid does not have to live with the fear or stress of the past or future. When the mind at peace with the body, the good chemical flush the brain and repair the defect in the brain. Zen masters are the mind master.Three stress chemicals are epinephrine and norepinephrine: this makes the muscle stiffer, breath slower, quicker, act, quicker, and stronger: stress or angry kid, stress adults tend to beat others, break the object, throw the object, dare to fight. This is the hormone for fight or flight, it is same in the animal. Blood reduce in from the skin and other organs to the vital organs for the fight: pale skin, low energy.The third chemical is cortisone: to prepare the energy in glucose, high energy ready in the body for fight and flight, it reduces the function of immune system and all other organs: chronic stress may be exhausted the body and impair the organ.Connect all effects, and the side effect of cortisone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine are described well in pharmacology books, so list them all down, it is the symptoms of stress people.

In psychology they overreact, want to be alone, and have abnormal behavior: it is the instinct of the weak in a stressful environment in the hope of find out safety for the self.By Observing, parents can know the early symptoms or pattern of stress, unsafety in children since they are one week, one month or two-month-old or three months old babies to predict the problems they get ADHD, Autism, or…Just by remembering all the signals you have when you fear: dog, cat, rat, snake. or hysterical anxiety: a stranger come to your home, only your baby alone, you have to go to the party: you will fear, overreact and do not want to eat at all. Or put a glass cage of snake in the corner of your child’s bed, you may sleep in stress, fear, screaming or overreact. Even you know that the cage is 100% safe.The family is the only place where the enemies sleep shares the bed. But all will sleep with the stress hormonal, very tired, terrible sleep: because they do not find trust or safety from the partner. It is devastating to both wife and husband. But the baby bears it all: the infant with a fragile, sensible brain. The immature brain is forming in stress.UNFORTUNATELY, THE LEVEL OF STRESS IN THE MIND IS UNLIMITED, BUT THE PREPARE OF THE PHYSICAL BODY IS LIMITED.When the blood pressure high, glucose high, the organ may send the feedback signal for the brain to stop secreting hormone. The brain still wants to raise the preparation of the body to a higher level to prepare for fight and flight. The brain may see other organs as the preventer or obstructors. The immune system starts to attack its own organs: the autoimmune diseases.- Only the beta cell pancreas be destroyed by immunes system- other strange, could not understand the mechanism of the autoimmune system: why it only attack ignorantly or intelligently attack one kind of cell, and let the nearby cell untouched.How about happy chemicals: 3 chemical- Dopamine: when you get a goal, finish a task, achieve a purpose, finish a job, win the lottery: gambling, betting. Get hits, like or good comment on Facebook, Get good grade. There are changes in the eye when people joy because of dopamine: when you find a big bargain in a buying, your purple widen. Excessive dopamine can increase the heartbeat, shaking or collapsing.The visible signs effects and side effects of dopamine on the body are listed on all pharmacology books.- endorphin: reduce pain, stiffness. when you work hard, exercise hard, you will feel very little pain at all.- Serotonin: comes when you get close contact: skin to skin, kiss, hugs, embracing, intimating acts. Or the feeling of belonging and significance. Dogs can make the owner have these feelings. When doing good, kind, and helping others. An act of goodness: the doer, the receiver and the watcher.Dopamine and Serotonin is the chemical that all psychic medication used to increase in patients. All medication cure depression aim at this.And the last chemical is oxytocin: sex, love, skin contact, and giving birth are high in this.Scientists find that oxytocin may help autistic mice, they will do more research in future to apply to the autistic child. And all domestic animals can help autistic kids.They do not know that these happy chemicals are secreted when they are treated well with each other with love, close contact, connection, supporting and suitable environment.So by observing the pattern of behaviors, you can understand the state of mind of you and other people.

In a peaceful environment: ” kids feel safe enough to do more, try more, play more and fail more. Gradually, kids increase skill, talent, strength, and ability with ages.In stressful environment: ” kids do not feel safe so all the activities are to focus on creating safe: do to safe. They afraid of doing more, try more, they lack total essential skill. Speaking, walking, and others activities are never an easy job with stressed kids. they tend to less interested, indifferent in things.”These combinations of four factors: love, connection, stressful environment, abilities from instinct and learning can explain well the rainbow of autism, the distribution of autism in male and female, city or countryside. ADHA, depression, mental illness, suicide, and many other diseases also.

Take all difficulties, problems as chances to connect, talk, and understand the child. The child may do this because he/she can not calm down the stress, irritation inside and he/she do not fully understand what he/she does. Do not take this chance to make hurt. But make love and understanding. Do not make them stress. Support unconditional love, connection with people, nature, create a peaceful environment and build their strengths, ability. You have to change your thinking, assumption, wrong scientific conclusion to save your child. Your child may act as you are under stress. Remember. 

Overreact, withdraw and want to stay alone. You need 

someones to feel trust, safe, not to teach you if you do not understand.Do not make them stress. Support unconditional love, connection with people, nature, create a peaceful environment and build their strengths, ability. You have to change your thinking, assumption, wrong scientific conclusion to save your child. Your child may act as you are under stress. Remember. Overreact, withdraw, and want to stay alone. You need someones to feel trust, safe, not to teach you if you do not understandIt is grateful if you tag, comment and shares the post with your needed friends.


Van D. Dao. (2017). Awaken You Wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral disorders, .. Talent.

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Autism -ADHD - Depression The hidden relation reveals the cause, prediction, prevention and ...

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